English Title: Lives of Omission (aka. Laughing-Gor Series / Saluting Laughing- Sir)
Cantonese Title: 潛行狙擊 (chim haan jui gik)
Cast: Michael Tse 謝天華, Bosco Wong 黃宗澤, Damian Lau 劉松仁, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Kate Tsui 徐子珊, Elena Kong 江美儀, Derek Kwok 郭政鴻, MC Jin, Mandy Wong
Episodes: 30
Airing date: 1 August 2011
Official: Website
Themesong: Tuk Hang (獨行) by Michael Tse (TV) | Dai Sin (底線) by Bosco Wong
LEUNG SIU-TONG (Michael Tse Tin Wah) joins the police force again to train up undercover cops for the Criminal Intelligence Bureau. He gets to know triad member SO SING-PAK (Bosco Wong) and becomes very good friends with him. PAK is not only smart guy also calculating. He agrees to work as TONG’s informer only because he sees TONG as a stepping-stone to the role of gang leader. His girlfriend, YIU HO-HO (Kate Tsui), is a barrister. Despite the fact that they have known each other since childhood, they have never really trusted each other. TONG’s supervisor, Inspector CHOW MONG-CHING (Fala Chen), looks alike his former girlfriend. Having spent a lot of time together at work, the partners at work have finally turned lovers, but their relationship is always full of conflicts and tensions. CHING believes TONG will not like disciplined work. Her teacher, Superintendent KUNG KA-PUI (Damian Lau) shares her view. Later, as PAK’s ambition grows, he goes so far as to sacrifice TONG’s teammate. With a view to avenging for his mate, TONG decides to return to his life as an undercover agent…MY RATING: 5/5
梁笑棠(謝天華)重返警隊當教官,加入刑事情報科培育新一代臥底,並認識了聰明機警的古惑仔蘇星柏(黃宗澤)。二人建立警察和線人的關係,合作無間,兄弟 相稱,但心思慎密的星柏只想藉笑棠之力助自己登上坐館之路,而他和青梅竹馬的女友大律師姚可可(徐子珊)若即若離,因各人心底裡永遠缺乏一份信任。棠的上 司周望晴(陳法拉)督察貌似已故女友,因工作關係與笑棠日久生情,但二人感覺總徘徊在上司和情人之間,因而衍生不少衝突、矛盾與考驗。望晴與警司的鞏家培 (劉松仁)是師徒關係,二人覺得笑棠適應不了過於紀律的生活,直至星柏為上位犧牲笑棠的同僚,笑棠不惜身犯險境,重操故業做臥底對付星柏,危機一觸即 發…… MY RATING: 5/5
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