Cantonese Title: 換樂無窮 (woon lok mo kung)
Cast: Myolie Wu 胡杏兒 (飾范淑香), Selena Li 李詩韻 (飾侯若海), Johnson Lee 李思捷 (飾顧家仁), Vincent Wong 王浩信 (飾榮耀), Kiki Sheung 商天娥 (飾呂凰), 朱咪咪 (飾馮有儀), Angela Tong 湯盈盈 (飾顧家琴), Ram Chiang 蔣志光 (飾范泰傑)
Episodes: 20
Themesong: Myolie Wu & Johnson Lee
By accident, FAN SHUK-HEUNG (Myolie Wu) visits a magical website that lets its visitors barter anything they own exchange for anything they want. Here, you can barter your slender waist for a place at an exclusive school for your younger brother, or exchange your luck for a lover for your dear friend. HEUNG is hooked almost immediately. Later on when she suspects that her husband, KOO KA-YAN (Johnson Lee Sze Chit), has a woman outside, she visits the website again to exchange her identity with that of her good friend HOU YURK-HOI (Selena Li), who has married into a wealthy family. HEUNG hopes that HOI can help her win back her husband’s love. HOI hopes that HEUNG can teach her overbearing mother-in-law, LUI WONG (Kiki Sheung Tin Ngor), a good lesson. Neither of them has thought that they will become hopelessly addicted to their new identity. By the time they realize how dangerous it will be if they carry on, the magical website has already been removed. The two families get entangled with each other as a result. Ironically, HEUNG has an affair with YAN! From then on, every day is filled with both laughter and anger for the two families. MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5
師奶仔范淑香(胡杏兒)無心登入了一個神奇網站,讓她可隨意換取各樣不可思議的東西,例如以自己的纖腰尺寸來換取弟弟考入名校、以自己的運氣幫朋友 換回愛 情等等,淑香一換成癮,不能自拔,尤其懷疑丈夫顧家仁(李思捷)包二奶時,竟不惜與闊太好友侯若海(李詩韻)互換身份,各取所需,淑香欲藉若海之力奪回丈 夫的心,若海則想淑香幫她對付霸道奶奶呂凰(商天娥),誰料二人泥足深陷,愈陷愈深,回頭是岸之際神奇網站又突然消失,兩家人關係變得千絲萬縷,淑香竟與 家仁搞婚外情,嬉笑怒罵沒完沒了…… MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5
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