English Title: Men with no Shadows
Cantonese Title: 不速之約 (bat chuk ji yeuk)
Cast: Raymond Lam 林峯 (飾邰風), Bobby Au-Yeung 歐陽震華 (飾江東健), Tavia Yeung 楊怡 (飾方小芳), Sire Ma 馬賽 (飾江惠妹), Mandy Wong 黃智雯 (飾邰欣), John Chiang 姜大偉 (飾唐經天), Gigi Wong 黃淑儀 (飾宋楚喬), Power Chan 陳國邦 (飾唐永燊)
Episodes: 20
Airing date: 12 September 2011 (Airring after Lives of Omission)
Official: Website
Themesong: 試煉 (si lin)- Raymond Lam (CD Version)
Executive Producer: Poon Ka Tak
Scriptwriter: Chu King Kei & Lee Yee Wah
We all experience birth, old age, sickness and death. Yet have you ever wondered who determines the time of our death? Respected pharmaceutical doctor KONG TUNG-KIN (Bobby Au Yeung Chun Wah) starts up his own clinic after a drug trial incident. One day, he is approached by TOI FUNG (Raymond Lam), who claims to be Satan, for a patient’s life. Refusing to do so, he suggests handing over his own. His reaction takes FUNG by surprise. With a view to getting to know more about human being, FUNG interferes with KIN’s life, including his family and career. In addition, he pursues FONG SIU-FONG (Tavia Yeung), a nurse KIN has been secretly in love with. Later, KIN sells his soul to FUNG for money and fame. As time goes by, he starts to become a totally different person, losing his kindness without himself knowing it. MY RATING: 3/5
生老病死仿似是人之常情,甚麼人應該早死?甚麼人應該遲死?應由誰來掌控?江東健(歐陽震華)本是一名備受業界賞識的研藥醫生,因一宗試藥風波毅然離開藥廠,自立門戶當診所醫生,一天他巧遇了自稱是魔鬼的邰風(林峯), 邰風要求他交出一位該死的人名,但東健卻寧願交出自己的性命也不願屈服,令邰風對人類產生強烈的好奇感,開始一步一步入侵東健的生活,包括他的家庭、事 業、甚至愛情,更公然追求東健暗戀多時的護士方小芳(楊怡),東健選擇與魔鬼同行後,名利雙收,但同時對自己亦愈見陌生,甚至不自覺地失去了善良的本 性…….MY RATING: 3/5
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