Title: A Watchdog’s Tale 老友狗狗
Cast: Steven Ma (馬浚偉) , Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Kent Cheng Jut Si (鄭則士) Maggie Shiu Mei Ki (邵美琪) , Raymond Wong Ho Yin (黃浩然), Natalie Tong Sze Wing (唐詩詠) , Koni Lui (呂慧儀), Lee Kwok Lun (李國麟)
Episodes: 20
Producer: Leung Choi Yuen
Scriptwriter: Choy Ting Ting & Leung Man Wah
Themesong: 老友狗狗 Good Dog Friend– Linda Chung & Steven Ma
A rich woman TSEUNG TIN NGOR (Maggie Shiu)‘s beloved dog CANDY has got behaviour problems since NGOR is being kidnapped. After released, NGOR takes CANDY for various medical treatments but none of them is helpful to cure its illness. Desperate NGOR finally finds LAI TSUN SING (Kent Cheng), a retired police canine officer, who has just opened a kennel in the walled village. NGOR asks SING to give CANDY training but it creates discord between both of them. When CANDY’s condition is getting better and better, NGOR is pleased and shows deference toward SING. NGOR feels obscured of the kidnapping and she misconceives that the landlord of the kennel, CHOW YUNG KUNG (Steven Ma), is one of the kidnappers. SING gets his trained dog BINGO carrying out an investigation. They finally prove that KUNG is innocent. KUNG appreciates Sing’s efforts and he starts joining the course for learning how to be a dog lover. LAI SIN YUE (Linda Chung), SING’s veterinarian daughter, is aware of her feeling towards him since then. RATING: 4.5 / 5
富家女蔣天娥(邵美琪)被綁架,其愛犬Candy情緒及行為出現异常,天娥获释后遍寻兽医也找不着病因,最終到围村找上刚开设犬舍的黎俊升(郑则士),天娥將Candy交予俊升训练,二人常有齟齬,但因俊升是退休警犬队教官,又令Candy情況逐步好转,天娥惟有收捡小姐脾氣,任由俊升指指点点。天娥一直未能放下綁架案的疑团,希望自行找寻线索,其间更误会犬舍的包租公周用恭(马浚伟),是綁匪之一,幸得俊升与退休警犬Bingo协助调查,用恭才得以洗脫嫌疑。本与俊升狗咬狗骨的有恭決定改变自己,除了加入犬只训练班,更要做个愛狗的主人,他的突变令俊升當兽医的女儿黎羨如(钟嘉欣)也因而对他另眼相看.. RATING: 4.5 / 5
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