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Friday, January 8, 2010

Best Of TVB Drama: A Watchdog’s Tale (老友狗狗)

Title: A Watchdog’s Tale 老友狗狗

Cast: Steven Ma (馬浚偉) , Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Kent Cheng Jut Si (鄭則士) Mag­gie Shiu Mei Ki (邵美琪) , Ray­mond Wong Ho Yin (黃浩然), Natalie Tong Sze Wing (唐詩詠) , Koni Lui (呂慧儀), Lee Kwok Lun (李國麟)

Episodes: 20

Pro­ducer: Leung Choi Yuen

Scriptwriter: Choy Ting Ting & Leung Man Wah

Themesong: 老友狗狗 Good Dog Friend– Linda Chung & Steven Ma


A rich woman TSEUNG TIN NGOR (Mag­gie Shiu)‘s beloved dog CANDY has got behav­iour prob­lems since NGOR is being kid­napped. After released, NGOR takes CANDY for var­i­ous med­ical treat­ments but none of them is help­ful to cure its ill­ness. Des­per­ate NGOR finally finds LAI TSUN SING (Kent Cheng), a retired police canine offi­cer, who has just opened a ken­nel in the walled vil­lage. NGOR asks SING to give CANDY train­ing but it cre­ates dis­cord between both of them. When CANDY’s con­di­tion is get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter, NGOR is pleased and shows def­er­ence toward SING. NGOR feels obscured of the kid­nap­ping and she mis­con­ceives that the land­lord of the ken­nel, CHOW YUNG KUNG (Steven Ma), is one of the kid­nap­pers. SING gets his trained dog BINGO car­ry­ing out an inves­ti­ga­tion. They finally prove that KUNG is inno­cent. KUNG appre­ci­ates Sing’s efforts and he starts join­ing the course for learn­ing how to be a dog lover. LAI SIN YUE (Linda Chung), SING’s vet­eri­nar­ian daugh­ter, is aware of her feel­ing towards him since then. RATING: 4.5 / 5


富家女蔣天娥(邵美琪)被綁架,其愛犬Candy情緒及行為出現异常,天娥获释后遍寻兽医也找不着病因,最終到围村找上刚开设犬舍的黎俊升(郑则士),天娥將Candy交予俊升训练,二人常有齟齬,但因俊升是退休警犬队教官,又令Candy情況逐步好转,天娥惟有收捡小姐脾氣,任由俊升指指点点。天娥一直未能放下綁架案的疑团,希望自行找寻线索,其间更误会犬舍的包租公周用恭(马浚伟),是綁匪之一,幸得俊升与退休警犬Bingo协助调查,用恭才得以洗脫嫌疑。本与俊升狗咬狗骨的有恭決定改变自己,除了加入犬只训练班,更要做个愛狗的主人,他的突变令俊升當兽医的女儿黎羨如(钟嘉欣)也因而对他另眼相看.. RATING: 4.5 / 5

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