Title: You’re hired (绝代商骄)
Cast: Dayo Wong, Charmaine Sheh, Michael Tse, Teresa Lee, Benz Hui, Power Chan, Mandy Cho, Bak Biao, Cheung Kwok Keung, Joel Chan, Queenie Chu, Koni Lui
Genre: Modern/ Comedy
Episodes: 22
Release date: 10 August 2009
Filmed: September 2008
Producer: Cheung Kin Man
Scriptwriter: Chu King Kei & Suen Ho Ho
High-flier MAK TAI SONG (Dayo Wong Tze Wah) has dissociated himself from the business world by showing deep regret to the suicide of his mentor. Later, he learns that his mentor’s wife SHE MO LIN (Theresa Lee) is in great debt and he starts selling “business tactics” to the trader TONG KAT (Benz Hui Shiu Hung) for LIN’s debt recovery. Deadbeat SONG refuses to take a full time job and that makes his income change from day to day. A tough collection agent, LAM MIU MIU (Charmaine Sheh), tries every means to push him into a corner. They keep playing tricks on each other and finally become a pair of rival lovers. By chance, SONG meets his uterine brother ON CHO LIN (Michael Tse Tin Wah). He thereby recalls the tragic memories of the past when his mother deserted him and his father. This triggers the hatred hidden deep inside his heart and leads him to seek revenge against ON’s family. SONG’s abrupt change has left MIU feeling confused. RATING: 5/5
商界黑武士麦提爽(黄子华)连累恩师轻生,黯然退出商界,但闻悉恩师的妻子佘慕莲(李綺红)因而负债累累,惟以卖” 桥”给商人唐吉(许绍雄)赚取报酬代慕莲还债,但他爱耍个性拒做上班族,导致收入不稳,日夜遭收数妹林淼淼(佘诗曼)死缠烂打,两人尔虞我诈,你追我跑,遂成一对欢喜冤家。直至提爽遇上同母异父的弟弟安祖连(谢天华),勾起当年被母亲拋夫弃子的惨痛回忆,突然性情大变,逐步向安家上下大开杀戒,一向多计的淼淼也无所适从,看不清提爽的葫芦到底在卖什么药.. RATING: 5/5
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