Title: D.I.E Again 古灵精探B
Cast: Roger Kwok Chun On 郭晉安 , Sonija Kwok 郭羨妮, Nancy Wu 胡定欣 , Edwin Siu 蕭正楠, Derek Kwok Jing Hung 郭政鴻 , Kwok Fung 郭 峰 Lau Yuk Chui 劉玉翠 Lo Man Chong 羅敏莊
Episodes: 25
Release date: 17 August 2009
Producer: Cheung Kin Man
Scriptwriter: Wong Kwok Fai & Leung Yan Tung
Members of the once dissolved “Death Investigation Extension (D.I.E.)” have been called together. YUE CHI LONG (Roger Kwok), CHEUNG CHING YEE (Derek Kwok) and other team members are all gearing up to crack unsolved cold cases with their usual out-of-the-box style. YING CHING CHING (Sonija Kwok) has been looking forward to this for a long time. She is so excited that she even brings along her baby son to work! LONG is not happy about this, yet he has no choice but to take turns with other team members to take care of the baby, bringing about rounds after rounds of hilarious episodes. CHING discovers by chance that her son has inherited LONG’s supernatural powers. In order to prove to LONG she is as capable as him as an inspector, CHING makes use of their son’s powers in investigating. LONG is even more displeased, and their relationship has suffered a great deal. Later, LONG finds out that a bad guy is using YING PUI PUI (Nancy Wu), CHING’s younger sister, to attack CHING and their son. LONG gets ambushed and put in a coma, during which he has an out-of-body experience. Seeing that his wife and son are in danger, his spirit takes over YEE’s body, unexpectedly resulting in. RATING: 5/5
承接上辑情节,D.I.E.经历解散及重组,于子朗(郭晋安)、张正义(郭政鸿)以及一班旧拍挡再度聚头,继续以骑呢作风查案,已为人母的刑晶晶(郭羡妮)大为技痒,竟带阿B返D.I.E.上班,子朗反对无效,众人惟有轮流帮手凑仔,乌龙百出,晶晶查案时却发现阿B原来遗传了子朗的异能,为证明自己查案不逊丈夫,经常借阿B之力找线索,此事令两人关係一落千丈,直至子朗发现晶晶的妹妹刑珮珮(胡定欣)一直受奸人利用,晶晶和阿B正是凶徒的目标,子朗却遭突袭昏迷,弄至魂不附体,他眼见妻儿性命危在旦夕,情急之际上了正义身,岂料.. RATING: 5/5
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