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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Best Of TVB Drama: Slow Boat Home (情越海岸線)

English Title: Slow Boat Home
Cantonese Title: 情越海岸線
Cast: Raymond Wong 黃浩然, Ruco Chan 陳展鵬, Aimee Chan 陳茵媺, Selena Li 李詩韻, Elaine Yiu 姚子羚, Matt Yeung 楊明, Cilla Kung 樂瞳, Yueh Hua 岳華
Airing date: 13 May 2013  
Themesong: Still Wishing (還想)- Kay Tse  
Official: Website 
Executive Producer: Leung Choi Yuen 
Scriptwriter: Ng Shiu Tung


CHEUNG PO-SANG (Raymond Wong), who was born and raised in Cheung Chau, is a man with grandiose aims but puny talents, putting the seafood restaurant run by his father CHEUNG SING-MUI (Yueh Hua) out of business. As PO-SANG feels down-hearted, his close associate CHENG PO-PO (Aimee Chan), a female TV producer, remains steadfast with loyalty to him, fighting with him side-by-side all along.  Even when PO-SANG suffers from a fracture due to a boating accident and becomes physically disabled, PO-PO is willing to push the wheelchair for him.  On the other hand, KWOK HEI-MAN (Selena Li) gives up her own career all of a sudden and returns to Cheung Chau, helping her mother IP WING-SHAN (Susan Tse) run the holiday home rental business.  It turns out that HEI-MAN has secretly joined hands with some outsiders, planning to develop a hotel conglomerate.  HEI-MAN also attempts to have an affair with PO-SANG, trying to make PO-PO go away.  What HEI-MAN has done is noticed by her first love CHING LAI-WING (Ruco Chan), who cannot put up with it, as such, he and PO-PO become fellow sufferers, commiserating with each other.  As PO-PO is about to give up verifying her parentage and return to the USA, unexpectedly, a sudden reversal of the holiday home acquisition process occurs…… MY RATING: 5/5 (GOOD) ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5 (GOOD)


在長洲土生土長的張寶生(黃浩然)志大才疏,弄致父親張勝妹(岳華)經營的海鮮酒家倒閉結業,寶生心灰意冷,與他朝夕相對的電視台女導演鄭抱抱(陳茵媺) 義字當頭,一路上與他並肩作戰,當寶生撞船骨折不良於行,抱抱也甘願為他推輪椅。另一方面,郭希雯(李詩韻)突然放棄自己事業回長洲,幫助母親葉泳珊(謝 雪心)打理渡假屋,原來希雯聯同外人暗中發展酒店王國的計劃,並意圖與寶生發生關係,設法氣走抱抱,希雯的所作所為看在初戀情人程禮榮(陳展鵬)的眼內, 令禮榮無法忍受,與抱抱同病相憐,抱抱準備放棄尋找自己身世回美國,誰料渡假屋的收購行動突然出現逆轉…… MY RATING: 5/5 (GOOD) ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5 (GOOD)

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