Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English / Chinese
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 1 Hour 32 Minutes
Director: Lee Thean-jeen
Cast: Mark Lee, Afdlin Shauki, A Niu, Jack Neo, Jacelyn Tay, Huang Wenhong, Rebecca Lim, Koe Yeet
HOMECOMING is a series of stories about family and what it means to go home. The characters, and their families in the stories, come from a diverse range of generations, races and social backgrounds. These characters are (or become) interlinked, either through blood, friendship or geography.
My Comments: YES! Homecoming is what we are going to do during the Chinese New Year holidays where I will going back to my hometown to celebrate Chinese New Year with my parents. It was indeed a great moments every year and this is the movie we should watch druing the festive season. Today, ME & Kimmy spend the whole day at the Golden Triangle area to walk around while enjoying the beautiful decorations on shopping malls and of course to watch movie as well. We had watched this movie at GSC Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur and it's been a while where I stepped in Pavilion to watch movie. Out of our expectation, this movie is simply brilliant. I did not expect this movie to be good as it contains a great sense of humour for our Malaysian and Singaporean style.
This movie running time would be 90 minutes and out of the 60 minutes, I laugh non-stop at the cinemas as it serves a great jokes around especially during Chinese New Year season. This movie is full of jokes and of course the storyline was great too and easy to understand. The storyline stress about the journey home for reunion dinner and the obstacles they had encountered. It's all about family reunion and how to preserve the reunion tradition and it was indeed a happy movie to watch. You may bring your family or couple to watch this movie and remember to bring a lot of tissue papers because you will laugh until you cry! The casts of Jack Neo, Ah Niu and Afdlin Shauki makes a perfect combination and will bring maximum laughter for you too. It's a cheerful movie to watch for everyone and last but not least, wish you drive safely home for Chinese New Year! Enjoy the movie! MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5
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