Release Date: 13 January 2011
Language: Mandarin / Cantonese
Subtitle: English / Chinese
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 1 Hour 31 Minutes
Director: Chiu
Cast: Jack Lim, Wan Wai Fun, Royce,Vivian, Jiang Han
Great Day tells the story of two Uncles who live in an old folks home. Aggravated by an argument, the two men decided to escape from the old folks home to find their children just to show off whose children is better with the help of Ah Hock and Ultraman. The fun catches in with odd circumstances, but in the end of the day it's going to be a big reunion at the old folk's home.
My Comments: Welcome back to yet another great day as we approach the weekend already and which means we can get to relax and enjoy. For ME, the most anticipated local movie of the year had finally arrived and of course I can't wait to watch it. From the producers who made Tiger Wohoo! last year, this year I expect it would be the same great movie too. The cinema was full and packed with audience who also eagerly waited and anticipated regarding this movie.
Of course, my expectation was real high towards this movie as I have been waiting for it a few months before its launch. Of course, it does not dissapoints me as well. The storyline meanwhile is very meaningful and it tells us to be good to our grandparents or parents. Since Chinese New Year is drawing near, the most important thing is we need to remember our parents and go home to visit them. I've seen a lot of people cried in the cinema because the movie is very touching as well. The jokes in this movie was pretty less compared to Tiger Wohoo! last year but they mainly focus on the touching storyline this year. Don't worry because you still can laugh on certain parts of this movie that makes you laugh until your stomach pain. It was pretty impressive and congratulations to ASTRO for producing one of the best movie for its Malaysian audiences. The casts meanwhile improved a lot during their last year movie and they had done a lot better.
I would recommend you to watch this movie as not only we need to support our local production, but this movie is really good to watch as well. Do bring your parents to watch this movie because when you bring them to see this movie, you care about them and you have shown your sincerity on caring about them. I am sure they will be greatful about you for taking care about them. Remember to book your seats early to avoid dissapointment and I hope you too enjoy the movie as well. Have a Great Day everyone! :) MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5; ALAN RATING: 5/5;
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