Title: Don Juan Demercado 情人眼里高一D
Cast: Bosco Wong Chung Chak(黄宗泽), Wong Cho Lam (王祖蓝), Kitty Yuen (阮小仪), Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Christine Kuo (苟芸慧), Chan Shan Chung (陈山聪), Lo Man Chong (罗敏莊), Lam Chi Sin (林子善)
Episodes: 6 [Chinese New Year: Mini Series 2010]
Producer: Wong Wai Sing
Scriptwriter: Wong Yeung Tat & Poon Man Hung
Supposing there was a chocolate that could make you taller, slimmer and more beautiful, would you eat it without demur? Do perfect looks guarantee a perfect life? This hilarious Chinese New Year comedy is going to bring you the sweetest Valentine present ever in six consecutive episodes. KUNG YAN TUNG (Wong Cho Lam) is beaten in a singing contest, despite his beautiful voice; turned down by his dream lover, YEUNG SIN WAH (Christine Kuo), despite his kind heart. He blames all these on his unattractive appearance. One day, he gets a pack of magical chocolates by chance. He eats one, and transforms into a heartthrob instantly. He changes his name to KAN LIK SHUN (Wong Chung Chak, Bosco), and he hits stardom almost overnight. The magical chocolates have a time limit though. His personal assistant, KING CHI KO (Kitty Yuen), discovers his secret. Fortunately, instead of disclosing it, she works even harder to help him. SHUN is getting more and more popular, even famous star TSE ON FEI (Kate Tsui) is going after him. There are only a few chocolates left. Then SHUN meets a scientist, who gives him a magical chocolate that has no time limit. If SHUN eats it, TUNG will disappear from the earth for good. Before he makes the decision, he is surprised to find that KO has tried the magical chocolates, too. MY RATING: 5/5
如果世上有一种巧克力可以让你由矮变高,由肥变瘦,由醜变靚,你会二话不说把它吃掉吗?外表一百分是否就代表人生一定走向完美?一连六集爆笑贺岁小品將为你送上一份最甜蜜的情人节礼物。 丑怪男恭因銅(王祖蓝)拥有一把靚声失落於歌唱比赛,心地善良卻遭梦中情人杨仙华(苟芸慧)拒爱,因銅自觉一切皆因 丑样的缘故。偶然间,他得了一包神奇巧克力,吞食一粒后即变成万人迷,並改名为廑力信(黃宗泽),迅即在娱乐圈竄紅,但巧克力有时效限制,被其私人助理荊 止高(阮小仪)发现,但止高並沒有揭穿这个秘密,反而加倍落力帮他解決烦恼,力信事业如日方中,就连圈中美女明星谢安腓(徐子珊)亦对他展开猛力追求,但 此时巧克力刚好所剩无几,力信巧遇神药发明家,求得一粒具永久效力的巧克力,只要他愿意服食,原來恭因銅的身份就会从此消失於地球,正当他把持不下时,竟 发现原來止高也同样服食了神奇巧克力.. MY RATING: 5/5
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