Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has tabled Budget 2010 with the theme "1Malaysia, Together We Prosper". Totalling RM191.5 bil, he said it would be the foundation of a new economic model and precursor to the 10th Malaysia Plan.
These are the main highlights of the speech as per delivery.
* Time for country to move to an economy of innovations to face the challenges of the future
* GDP for 2009 expected to be -3%, better than previous projections of -4% to -5%
Prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak - with Secretary General of Finance Tan Sri Wan Abdul Aziz Wan Abdullah, Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Chor Chee Heung and Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein - is ready with his briefcase containing the Budget 2010 speech outside the Finance Ministry's Office in Putrajaya Friday.
* Focus of Budget 2010 will be on well-being of the people
* Three strategies:
- driving the country towards a high-income economy,
- ensuring holistic and sustainable development,
- focusing on the well-being of the rakyat.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tabling the 2010 budget at the Dewan Rakyat, Friday.
* Taxpayers will get tax relief on broadband subscription fee of up to RM500 from 2010 to 2012. Civil servants can apply for computer loans up to a maximum of RM5,000 from the govt once in every 5 years.
* RM6bil for agriculture sector for irrigation of paddy fields, fish production, fruit farming, livestock farming infrastructure, training
* RM2bil subsidy for farmers and fishermen including subsidies for fertilisers, incentives for padi yields and allowances for fishermen
* RM9bil to finance infrastructure projects including road and bridges projects and rail, sea ports and airports facilities
* RM1.5bil fund to promote green technology by providing soft loans to companies that supply and use green technology
* RM200mil Creative Industry Fund to finance film, drama, music productions, animation, advertisements through Bank Simpanan Nasional
* RM30bil to be allocated to enhance primary and secondary school education nationwide
* Rewards for students who excel in studies:
- 30 National Scholarships for the creme de la creme of students, stictly based on merit
- Conversion of PTPTN loans to scholarships for students who graduate with 1st class honours degree, beginning from 2010,
- Offer of netbook package, including free broadband service, to university students for RM50 per month for 2 years.
* The Permata programme, which emphasises on early childcare and education, including the gifted child programme, to get RM100mil
* Insurance industry to be improved to meet market demand.
* Govt to clamp down on the abuses committed by Ah Longs by enforcing Anti-Money Laundering and Anti Terrorism Financing Act 2001. Moneylenders Act 1951 to be also reviewed.
* Allow 100% foreign equity participation in corporate finance and financial planning companies compared with the present requirement of at least 30% local shareholding.
* To ensure rapid development of financial services, the existing tax incentives to be extended to 2015.
* Among steps to combat corruption is to set up 14 Special Corruption Sessions Courts and 4 Special Corruption Appeal High Courts.
* Tax of 5% to be imposed on gains from the disposal of real property from Jan 1, 2010. Existing tax exemption will be retained for gifts between parent-child, husband-wife, grandparent-grandchild.
* To promote prudent spending, a service charge of RM50 a year to be imposed on each principal credit card and charge card; and RM25 a year on each supplementary card, effective from Jan 1, 2010.
* To ensure that fuel subsidies only benefit targeted groups, Govt will implement a fuel subsidy management system in early 2010, which will utilise the MyKad.
* All ministries and govt departments are required to provide day care and education centres for children of civil servants.
* The maximum income tax rate for individuals to be reduced to 26% from assessment year 2010. Personal relief increased to RM9,000.
* Police force to get RM1bil to improve its services in govt's efforts to reduce crime. Major measures include to increase police presence, including mobile police stations in 50 crime hotspots.
* To promote house ownership, Govt will launch a scheme that enables EPF contributors to utilise current and future savings in Account 2.
* Employees' EPF contribution to be increased to 11% again, on a voluntary basis, effective immediately. However, from Jan 1, 2011 employees' EPF contribution will revert to 11%.
* Personal relief for EPF and life insurance schemes to be increased to RM7,000.
* Source & Photos: The Star Malaysia 23/09/09
My Comments: After so many years, basically I think the 2010 budget doesn't really benefits to the rakyat except those who are paying taxes. It focuses more into our personal income tax portion where the rakyat need not to pay more tax. Other than that, I don't see any benefits that could spur the rakyat and the economy. For education portion, the federal government will also help but sponsoring or subsdising the funds for those scoring good grades in their exams. Other also including some fund allocation to different sectors and this would also benefits those sectors I guess. When you talking about 1 Malaysia Budget, by right it should spur more good news to the rakyat and help their burden. What about for those who are not paying taxes? Any good news for them as well? I don't see any good news for them too. Overall, it was a moderate budget and we shall see whether the budget announced would spur the economy or not?
1 comment:
Informative stuff!!...I like all the information in your post.Its very appreciated.Thanks for sharing with us.Keep up this great post.
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