Title: The King of Snookers 桌球天王
Cast: Adam Cheng, Niki Chow, Patrick Tang, Joyce Tang, Derek Kwok, Benz Hui, Halina Tam
Episodes: 20
Release date: 30 March 2009
Filmed: August 2008
Producer: Tong Kei Ming
Scriptwriter: Suen Ho Ho & Lo Mei Wan
Genre: Modern
The all-conquering snooker player YAU YAT KIU (Adam Cheng) takes everyone by surprise when he suddenly retires from the snooker world. This comes as a huge disappointed to his daughter YAU KA KAN (Niki Chow), who has always wanted to follow in his footsteps. She feels bewildered too, for although KIU pretends he does not care about the snooker any more, he has set up an extremely difficult game in his restaurant. His purpose cannot be more obvious: he is waiting for someone to solve the game. KIU comes to know KAN TSZ HIM (Patrick Tang) by chance. Noticing his flair for the snooker, KIU decides to make an exception for HIM and teaches him all he knows about the game. Later, KAN manages to persuade her father into taking her in as well. HIM fancies KAN, but she is fond of LUI KIN CHUNG, KIU’s bitter foe (Derek Kwok). CHUNG is a crafty person. In order to win the game, he fools around with HIM’s aunt CHIN TO TO (Joyce Tang), who is also HIM’s manager. HIM falls out with KIU because of CHUNG. Both master and disciple come to settle their scores on a snooker-table in the end. RATING: 4/5
桌球界战无不胜的游一桥(郑少秋)突然无故隐退,令一心想继承父亲衣钵的女儿游加勤(周 丽淇)失望之餘也大感不惑,因为她眼看父亲表面上扮作不在乎桌球这回事,在自己经营的餐厅内却设下一席桌球「难局」,等待有心人前来解破。直至一天,一桥 遇上对桌球有独特天份的靳子谦(邓健泓)后,即破例收他为徒,并打算将毕生的球技传授给他,加勤央求父亲一视同仁,因此也成了子谦的师姐。子谦对加勤襄王有梦,但加勤的芳心却似乎另有所繫,那人正是视其父亲为天敌的雷建衝(郭政鸿),他为人奸险,求夺标,不但以感情引诱子谦的姨妈兼经理人钱滔滔(滕丽名)令子谦与一桥反目成仇,最后更把两师徒逼上战枱以一桿定天下.. RATING: 4/5
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