Hi everyone and welcome to my birthday personal message.
Those who had wished me: Kimmy Chung, Panny Liew, Yennie Lee, Kuek Yen Sim, Steven Wong, Chris Lee, Joanne Lau, Michelle Theng, Daniel Foo, Ian Koay, Pastor Ng Moon Hing, Tan Chee Toh, Steve Echyean, Melvis Lee, Caryn Ong, Kambing IXI, Wennie Lee Siau Wen, Ronald Teong, Teoh Ju Ni, Jessant Care, Jason Jin Teik, Emilz Anteros Chin, Melvin Lau, Big Sale Malaysia, Cindy Goh, Raynor Ma, Jennifer Pui Yi, Chong Chia Shun, Chong Jiin Fei, Cheah Chee Hoh, Lee Ee Von, Howard Leow Wen Hao, Shane O, Jenny Wong & Sathia Seelan Sharma.
Thank You for all your wishes!
I would like to take this golden opportunity to say a few words in conjunction with my birthday. A year had been passed by again and I am glad that I have successfully achieve what I want so far. First of all is my love relationship. I am glad that I have been with Kimmy for the past 1 year from now. Our relationship is very strong and I hope to keep it going as usual. Our anniversary is of course during my birthday as well. So we will have a double celebration. For my love wishes, I hope I will continue to strenghten our relationship to take it beyond further.

As for my work, I hope that I will continue to learn more during my current company TFP Solutions Berhad. So far, I am quite happy with this company although they are currently not so doing well at the moment. But I can still see they are working very hard to overcome the current economy situation and to find more business. But my wishes for staying at this company are to learn more and more things especially in the server side. For the PC / Desktop support side, I also hope that I could learn more to strengthen my IT knowledge.

Last but not least, I would also wish that my family stay healthy always. Not forgetting my mom & dad because they had take care of me throughout the years as I have gone thru this far. They are my hero and heroine because without them, I won't have today's success. Thank You once again to my papa and mama for doing such a great family job taking care of us. May God bless you always :)
On my birthday, I will celebrate in a average manner because I am not be able to take leave because I have a tasks in handle whereby nobody can replace at the moment. So I have to sacrifice my time for this year's birthday. So what can I do is to have dinner (2 in 1) for birthday and anniversary with Kimmy. My overall wishes is to hope to see great love relationship for myself, hope to earn more more and knowledge for my career and to hope everyone around me doing great with health, wealth and prosperity.
Alex Leow
Birthday Boy Blog Administrator
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