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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Best Of TVB Drama: Highs and Lows (雷霆掃毒)

English Title: Highs and Lows

Cantonese Title: 雷霆掃毒 (lui ting so duk)

Cast: Michael Miu 苗僑偉 (飾向榮), Raymomd Lam 林峯 (飾韋世樂), Kate Tsui 徐子珊 (飾陳家碧), Elaine Ng 吳綺莉 (飾于詠彤), Ella Koon 官恩娜 (飾高希璇), Ben Wong 黃智賢 (飾潘學禮), Derek Kwok 郭政鴻 (飾何葵), Alex Lim 林子善 (飾年有富), MC Jin 歐陽靖 (飾吳德添), Law Lok Lam 羅樂林 (飾鄭志成)

Episodes: 30

Airing date: 24 September 2012

Themesong: Done Being Naive (幼稚完) -Raymond Lam (Full)

Official: Website

Executive Producer: Lam Chi Wah

Scriptwriter: Leung Yan Tung


As a Senior Inspector of the Narcotics Bureau Operation Unit, HEUNG WING (Miu Kiu Wai) profoundly abhors evil. He and WAI SAI-LOK (Raymond Lam) – Senior Inspector of the Intelligence Unit have closely co-operated with each other as peer mentors, frequently solving drug trafficking cases for the Police Force. During an operation to knock down the targets, SAI-LOK discovers clues that HEUNG WING is most likely the corrupt cop in a collusion conspiracy with drug dealers. Apart from launching a secret investigation into HEUNG WING, SAI-LOK is also alienated from him by the evil-willed Chief Inspector of the Operation Unit – PUN HOK-LAI (Ben Wong). Having undergone various disputes against each other, the long-term brotherly relationship between SAI-LOK and HEUNG WING appears full of contradictions. On the other hand, following an investigation, SAI-LOK falls in love with a snitch – CHAN KA-PIK (Kate Tsui), who suffers from low self-esteem due to her humble beginning. Deliberately denying her affection to SAI-LOK, KA-PIK gives up on him so that his secret admirer – KO HEI-SUEN (Ella Koon), a rookie police officer, can have the chance, leading to a subtle relationship among the three. Feeling life is so dreary, KA-PIK ultimately digs her own grave by becoming a new generation of drug dealer, involved in drug trafficking and provoking the Police Force. With intense sorrow, SAI-LOK then joins forces with HEUNG WING against KA-PIK, waging a chain of bitter battles. MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5


毒品調查科行動組高級督察向榮(苗僑偉)嫉惡如仇,與情報組高級督察韋世樂(林峯)亦師亦友,合作無間,為警隊屢破毒案。世樂在一次緝毒行動中,發 現蛛絲馬跡,向榮極有可能是勾結毒犯的神秘黑警。世樂開始暗中調查向榮,加上心術不正的行動組總督察潘學禮(黃智賢)從中挑撥,多年兄弟連番角力,矛盾重 重……
另一方面,世樂因調查行動認識線人陳家碧(徐子珊),兩人暗生情愫,但家碧出身低微,自卑感作祟,刻意逃情,並讓愛予一直暗戀世樂的新紮師妹高希璇 (官恩娜),三人之間有著微妙的感情關係。生無可戀的家碧最後走上不歸路,成為新一代毒后,販運毒品,挑戰警隊。世樂痛心疾首,與向榮聯手,跟家碧展開一 幕幕的毒戰…… MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

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