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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Best of TVB Drama: Queen Divas (新抱喜相逢)

English Title: Queen Divas
Cantonese Title: 新抱喜相逢
Cast: Nancy Sit, Joyce Tang, Angela Tong, Pierre Ngo, Evergreen Mak, Yuen Qiu, Anderson Junior, Jonathan Wong
Episodes: 15
Airing date: 20 January 2014
Genre: Modern Comedy 
Official: Website 
Executive Producer: Kwan Wing Chung 
Scriptwriter: Chung Kin Keung
Official Synopsis

Born into a noble family, HO SIU-LAN (Nancy Sit) is not only very skillful in household management but also in charge of all events of Lin Enterprise, however trivial, for her husband’s family.

Her elder son LIN CHI-SUM (Evergreen Mak) and second son LIN CHI-KIT (Pierre Ngo) have not got married yet, and they maintain low-profile relationships respectively with two actresses from the film and television industry, leaving SIU-LAN with no alternative but to recognize their marriages. Her elder daughter-in-law KWOK FEI-FEI (Joyce Tang) is the tragic drama queen, whereas her second daughter-in-law MAN CHOI-LING (Angela Tong) is the comedy-drama queen. Competing head-to-head as two outstanding actresses, their battleground expands from the showbiz to the mega-mansion. Their mother-in-law, who usually presents herself as a kind mother and good wife, in fact hides a dagger in her smile. Three divas showcase sparkling acting skills that nearly surpass the Academy Award Best Actress, resulting in tons of jokes. Until SIU-LAN uncovers that someone has embezzled company money, the whole family falls in dire straits. Ever since then, things unknown by the others have been gradually unmasked with laughter and tears interweaving……MY RATING: 5/5


出 身書香世家的何少蘭(薛家燕)不單持家有道,還掌控夫家連氏企業的大小事務,大少連祉森(麥長青)和二少連祉傑(敖嘉年)尚未成家立室,卻各自與影視圈兩 位姐仔大搞地下情,少蘭迫於無奈接受二人入門,大少奶郭菲菲(滕麗名)為悲劇天后,二少奶文彩菱(湯盈盈)為喜劇天后,同是好戲之人從娛樂圈鬥到豪門大 宅,平日以慈母賢妻作包裝的奶奶原來笑裏藏刀,三后迸發火花演技直逼奧斯卡女主角,鬧出連番笑話,直至少蘭發現有人虧空公司資產,連家上下齊齊落難,逐步 揭開各人種種隱情,當中有笑有淚……MY RATING: 5/5

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