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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Best Of TVB Drama: The Confidant (大太監)

English Title: The Confidant
Grand Production of 2012
Cantonese Title: 大太監 (dai tai gam)
Cast: Wayne Lai Yiu Cheung 黎耀祥, Michelle Yim 米 雪, Maggie Shiu 邵美琪, Raymond Wong Ho Yin 黃浩然, Aimee Chan 陳茵媺, Raymond Cho 曹永廉, Nancy Wu 胡定欣, Natalie Tong 唐詩詠
Episodes: 33
Airing date: 5 November 2012
Themesong: Mutual Help in Humble Circumstances (相濡以沫) by Shirley Kwan | Sub Themesong:  Sun and Moon (日月) by Wayne Lai & Nancy Wu
Official: Website
Executive Producer: Law Wing Yin
Scriptwriter: Kwan Chung Ling


Owing to the destitution during their youth, LI LIAN-YING (Wayne Lai) and AN DE-HAI (Raymond Cho) have presented themselves as eunuchs in the court, where they serve their apprenticeship with an old eunuch LAU DOR-SANG (Chung King Fai). Having closely bonded to one another, the two respectively played dominant roles during the rule of Empress Dowager CIXI (Michelle Yim). However, unlike DE-HAI’s single-minded obsession with greed, LIAN-YING overcautiously abides by the rules, gradually diverging from the former. In view of them gaining recognition from CIXI, the Head Eunuch CHAN FOK (Yueh Hua) resorts to strike treachery against LIAN-YING and DE-HAI, feeling that his position is threatened. Fortunately, with the help of his two close friends, a palace maid SIN-YUNG (Nancy Wu) and a eunuch of the Imperial Dispensary YIU SHEUNG-HEI (Raymond Wong), LIAN-YING manages to avert the disaster. With the Emperor TONGZHI (Oscar Leung) conferring the throne on his Empress, Empress Dowager CIAN (Maggie Shiu) fears that CIXI will further wield power. She then colludes with Prince GONG (Cheung Kwok Keung) to sow discords among the court, isolating CIXI. In the face of such ever-changing phenomena, only LIAN-YING firmly stands his ground on the motto of “A servant is no more than a servant”, remaining as CIXI’s loyal attendant.……MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5


李連英(黎耀祥)與安德海(曹永廉)少時因家貧賣身入宮作太監,二人拜老太監劉多生(鍾景輝)為師,師兄弟感情深厚,先後成為慈禧太后(米雪)身邊重臣。 可惜德海利慾薰心,與安份守己、謹小慎微之連英漸行漸遠。總管太監陳福(岳華)眼看連英、德海得慈禧賞識,感地位不保,對二人施毒手,幸連英得宮女倩蓉 (胡定欣)與御藥房太監姚雙喜(黃浩然)兩位好友相助,化險為夷。同治帝(梁烈唯)冊立皇后,慈安太后(邵美琪)恐慈禧進一步掌握大權,遂與恭親王(張國 強)挑撥朝中勢力,令慈禧孤立無援;在波譎雲詭變局中,只有緊守「奴才就是奴才」訓言之連英,依然侍奉在側…… MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

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