English Title: Sergeant Tabloid
Cantonese Title: 女警愛作戰 (“Policewomen’s Love Battlefield”)
Cast: Niki Chow, Michael Tse, Mandy Wong, Matthew Ko, Oceane Zhu, Koni Lui, Grace Wong, Benz Hui Shiu Hung
Episodes: 20
Airing date: 2 April 2012
Themesong: N/a- Music only
Executive Producer: Cheung Kin Man
Scriptwriter: Kwan Ho Yuet
Official: Website- N/a- Warehoused Series*
Thirty-something sergeant LUI FEI-HAP (Niki Chow) from the Emergency Unit of the Hong Kong Police Force has been let down by love too many times. So when the man she finds perfect shows up she jumps to the opportunity to hunt him down.
Never has she expected that he is a drug baron. To make things worse, tabloid reporter LAM YAT-YAT (Michael Tse) has been following them, and their relationship hits the headlines. HAP finds herself in love with new recruit WONG TZE-TSUEN (Matthew Ko) before long. But again, YAT tries hard to stand in her way. It turns out that her father, LUI CHUN-NAM (Benz Hui), is the mastermind of all this and YAT is his accomplice. On the other hand, HAP is at odds with her supervisor, SZETO KIU (Mandy Wong), which means her days are spent trying to outdo KIU. Pushed to her limit both at work and at love, this bizarre female cop has no choice but to fight back for the name of love! MY RATING: 4/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 4/5
衝鋒隊女警長呂霏俠(周麗淇)年過三十,在愛情路上起伏跌宕,當遇見一位完美男人即採取積極「追捕」行動,誰料男友的真正身份是大毒梟,二人所有的交往過 程更被狗仔報記者藍一一(謝天華)大公開成了報章頭條,霏俠對一一恨之入骨。不久,霏俠又火速戀上剛入警隊的師弟王子傳(高鈞賢),一一又刻意破壞,霏俠 始發現父親呂鎮男(許紹雄)與一一串通來拆散鴛鴦,加上與女上司司徒驕(黃智雯)不合拍天天鬥智鬥力,公私兩面壓力大爆煲,令這位「極品師姐」不得不發動 連環反擊戰,為愛戰到底…… MY RATING: 4/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 4/5
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