Title: The Beauty of the Game 美丽高解像
Cast: Kate Tsui (徐子珊) , Christine Ng Wing Mei (伍詠薇) , Raymond Cho (曹永廉), Sharon Chan (陳敏之) , Chris Lai (黎諾懿) , Yuen King Tan (苑瓊丹) Wong Cho Lam (王祖藍), Law Man Chong (羅敏莊)
Episodes: 20
Producer: Tsu Yue On
Scriptwriter: Lau Chi Wah
Setting out on their quest for fame and fortune, three female TV stars of different backgrounds are resolved to achieve their dreams at any price. But after so many ups and downs in their acting careers, they finally come to discover the secret of true beauty.
Driven by sheer vanity, KO CHING MAN (Kate Tsui) takes part in a beauty pageant despite the strong opposition of her mother, a long-retired actress named CHEUNG LAI HUNG (Yuen King Tan), and leaps to stardom soon after winning the championship. Rising actress TONG HO YEE (Sharon Chan) feels threatened by MAN and decides to join another TV station to look for a breakthrough, which is not supported by her production assistant friend DEACON CHONG (Chris Lai Lok Yi). Leading actress KEUNG CHIN FUNG (Christine Ng) used to be a bitter rival of HUNG. Realizing that MAN’s acting career is taking off at top speed, FUNG means to approach her as a mentor, through which she hopes to drag the girl into her moral downfall bit by bit. Desperate for everlasting beauty, FUNG injects herself with illegal substances in an attempt to slow the aging process. But things do not really go as planned and her face starts to change in shape. Her advertising deal with a cosmetics company is subsequently canceled and MAN has soon replaced her as the new product endorser. Even the Award of Best Actress, which she has won for years, is slipping out of her hands. To vent her anger, FUNG seeks to extract revenge on MAN, finally plunging her into a world of pain and trouble. RATING: 4/5
Driven by sheer vanity, KO CHING MAN (Kate Tsui) takes part in a beauty pageant despite the strong opposition of her mother, a long-retired actress named CHEUNG LAI HUNG (Yuen King Tan), and leaps to stardom soon after winning the championship. Rising actress TONG HO YEE (Sharon Chan) feels threatened by MAN and decides to join another TV station to look for a breakthrough, which is not supported by her production assistant friend DEACON CHONG (Chris Lai Lok Yi). Leading actress KEUNG CHIN FUNG (Christine Ng) used to be a bitter rival of HUNG. Realizing that MAN’s acting career is taking off at top speed, FUNG means to approach her as a mentor, through which she hopes to drag the girl into her moral downfall bit by bit. Desperate for everlasting beauty, FUNG injects herself with illegal substances in an attempt to slow the aging process. But things do not really go as planned and her face starts to change in shape. Her advertising deal with a cosmetics company is subsequently canceled and MAN has soon replaced her as the new product endorser. Even the Award of Best Actress, which she has won for years, is slipping out of her hands. To vent her anger, FUNG seeks to extract revenge on MAN, finally plunging her into a world of pain and trouble. RATING: 4/5
___________________________________________________ 三名不同出身的电视台女明星为名逐利,追寻永远美丽的神话,不惜付上难以赎回的沉重代价;三人的演艺生涯经过惊涛骇浪,千帆尽过,才领悟出创造美丽的不二法门。
高青雯(徐子珊)为满足虚荣心,不理息影母亲张丽虹(苑琼丹)的反对参加电视台选美,勇夺冠军后一夕窜红,新紥姐仔唐可儿(陈敏之)感自己地位受到威胁,为求出位跳槽敌台做一姐,任职助导的好朋友庄迪勤(黎诺懿)对她多番劝导亦无效。另一边厢,当年与丽虹有过节的电视台一姐姜展凤(伍咏薇)见青雯气势如虹,故意指导她演戏技巧,为要讨好她,引诱她沉沦堕落;可惜展凤妄图永远的美丽而过量注射美顏禁药,令容貌变形,化妆品广告被青雯取代,就连蝉联多届视后之位亦恐怕拱手让人,展凤愤恨难平,施阴招连番加害青雯,累她饱受千夫所指,一蹶不振.. RATING: 4/5
高青雯(徐子珊)为满足虚荣心,不理息影母亲张丽虹(苑琼丹)的反对参加电视台选美,勇夺冠军后一夕窜红,新紥姐仔唐可儿(陈敏之)感自己地位受到威胁,为求出位跳槽敌台做一姐,任职助导的好朋友庄迪勤(黎诺懿)对她多番劝导亦无效。另一边厢,当年与丽虹有过节的电视台一姐姜展凤(伍咏薇)见青雯气势如虹,故意指导她演戏技巧,为要讨好她,引诱她沉沦堕落;可惜展凤妄图永远的美丽而过量注射美顏禁药,令容貌变形,化妆品广告被青雯取代,就连蝉联多届视后之位亦恐怕拱手让人,展凤愤恨难平,施阴招连番加害青雯,累她饱受千夫所指,一蹶不振.. RATING: 4/5
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