Saturday, November 30, 2013
Leisure: Sunway Pyramid Christmas Decorations 2013
Dear All,
Christmas holidays is back again and this time around we are on yet another mall marathon but this time we only tour to major shopping malls around the Klang Valley. Our first stop this year would be at Sunway Pyramid. This year Christmas Theme is called Faerie Dreams 2013.
Featuring the beautiful faerie tales with White Christmas theme but unfortunately the decoration is just so-so. There's nothing much to see over there except the white Christmas tree and then the most notable piece of decoration that is nice would be the fairy wings which patrons can actually take photos. There are several spots for you to take photos throughout the mall including the old and new wing and from what I discovered is that the new wing decorations is much better than the ones at old wing. Also not forgetting if you're lucky, you are able to see a beautiful fairy as well as the Sunway Pyramid mascot touring around the mall giving away freebies and photo session with the patrons. Among other events including making donations to the needy where you stand a chance to take photos of yourself and in the same time donating to charity.
Overall, the mall decorations is just so-so in my opinion and nothing so special to shout about. I am a bit dissapointed when I visit the mall here just to see the Christmas Decorations but at least some shopping spree make my day today as well. Enjoy your Christmas Shopping. MY RATING: 3/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 4/5
Food Hunt: Bear Paw (熊手包), Kota Damansara
Dear All,
Welcome back to yet another edition of Food Hunt. Today ME & Kimmy had visited Bear Paw located at Kota Damansara and on press time, it's their opening of a new branch recently there. We reached the restaurant at about 2.00pm and the crowd is very less and many who came to the restaurant ordered a take-away. This is what we've ordered:
1.) Set 3 Bear Paw: Milk Bun, Fish and Tartar Sauce with Passion Fruit Green Tea (RM13.90)
2.) B Rice Series: 1 Pcs Chicken, 1 Pcs Spicy Chicken with Thai Sauce (RM12.90)
3.) Assam Black Tea (RM5.90)
4.) Add On Wedges (RM2.00) (With Set Only)
We waited for about 8 minutes before the food to be served to us. Of course once you've done your payment, you have to wait for your number for your turn and you have to take it yourself. Let's go straight to the food comments. The Set 3 Bear Paw which consists of Milk Bun, Fish and Tartar Sauce is very good indeed. The bun is soft and tender while the fish is absolutely nice and it would melt on your mouth as well. The tartar sauce is very nice too. You should give it a try. The Passion Fruit Green Tea is also very nice and tasty and the portion is really huge. It's worth the money we pay. For the B Rice Series which consists of 1 pieces of Chicken, 1 pieces of Spicy Chicken with Thai Sauce. The chicken are fried into perfection and nice to eat as well. Both chicken types are recommended to you. The Assam Black Tea is also must a try when you visit this restaurant. Meanwhile the wedges is just so-so and nothing so special.
Bear Paw + Wedges |
Assam Black Tea & Passion Fruit Green Tea |
B Rice Series |
* Food Rating are based on the food & drinks we've ordered and not overall food & drinks.
Ambiance: 5/5
Cleanliness: 5/5
Value Of Food: 5/5
Customer Service: 5/5
Ditanggung Halal: Yes
No.25, Jalan PJU 5/10 (Next to 7-11 Kota Damansara),
Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara,
47810 Selangor.
Telephone: 03-61436706
Business Hours: 11.00am - 11.00pm Daily
Lihat Peta yang Lebih Besar
TVB Variety Show: Super Trio Maximus (超級無敵獎門)
Release Date: May 26th 2013
Episodes: 25 (Subject To Change)
Show Time: 45 Minutes
Genre: Game Show
Hosts: Eric Tsang, Chin Ka Lok, King Kong, Lam Hiu Fung, Yin Siu Cheung, Otto, Jordan Chan
Channel Airing: Astro Wah lai Toi (CH 311), Sunday 9.30pm
《獎門人》系列遊戲節目播出十八年,一直為觀眾帶來無限歡樂。剛度過六十大壽的的曾志偉卻宣佈即將完結「獎門人」的使命,並決定以第十輯《超級無敵獎門人 終極篇》作為「榮休」之作。獎門人一聲令下,歷代九位獎老陳小春、林曉峰、錢嘉樂、金剛、王祖藍、江欣燕、阮兆祥、蘭茜及Otto(王志安)隨即空群而 出,以強大陣容合力炮製各項精彩環節,藉著歡笑聲為一代經典遊戲節目劃上完美句號。多位曾經參與節目的嘉賓亦會把握最後機會,挑戰節目內豐富獎品。
《超級無敵獎門人 終極篇》貫徹「抵死過癮」風格,陸續加入不同類型全新遊戲,如「超級無敵玩波波」、「超級量詞馬拉松」、「一家大細齊喺度」等,為觀眾送上源源不絕的爆笑 驚喜。節目亦會精心挑選過去為人津津樂道的遊戲環節片段,一起回顧不同年代《獎門人》經典時刻。此外,獎門人會舉行一項簡單而隆重的頒獎典禮,期間頒發 「最佳男配角」、「最佳視覺效果」、「最佳馬拉松選手」、「終生成就獎」等多項大獎,表揚多位在過去節目中表現出色的參賽藝人。
為了構思最精彩的遊戲環節,盡情發揮獎門人的搞笑潛能,志偉率領四位「獎老」錢嘉樂、江欣燕、阮兆祥、金剛齊齊衝出香港,前往舒適寫意日本福岡來一次腦激 盪,並會邀請好友高海寧、呂慧儀、洪天明、謝天華、方皓玟、梁靖琪及Mandy Lieu同行大玩特玩,在歡樂氣氛中發掘全新遊戲創作靈感。
My Comments: Once again Super Trio Maximus is back again and this time it's great to see the hosts back in action to give it's audiences another great weekend variety for all walks of life. This time around, it's just as funny as the previous episodes and of course we could see many new game format in this game show and it's a fun one as well. If you are big fan of Eric Tsang, Chin Ka Lok, King Kong, Lam Hiu Fung, Yin Siu Cheung, Otto & Jordan Chan, then the epicness of their jokes continues as well. There's not much changes on the previous episodes but of course if you watch it with anybody or even yourself, you will laugh off your seats and then you will totally enjoy the show for about 45 minutes. Enjoy the epic Hong Kong Variety Show. MY RATING: 5/5
My Comments: Once again Super Trio Maximus is back again and this time it's great to see the hosts back in action to give it's audiences another great weekend variety for all walks of life. This time around, it's just as funny as the previous episodes and of course we could see many new game format in this game show and it's a fun one as well. If you are big fan of Eric Tsang, Chin Ka Lok, King Kong, Lam Hiu Fung, Yin Siu Cheung, Otto & Jordan Chan, then the epicness of their jokes continues as well. There's not much changes on the previous episodes but of course if you watch it with anybody or even yourself, you will laugh off your seats and then you will totally enjoy the show for about 45 minutes. Enjoy the epic Hong Kong Variety Show. MY RATING: 5/5
TVB Variety Show
Best Of TVB Drama: Bounty Lady (My盛Lady)
English Title: Bounty Lady
Cantonese Title: My盛Lady
Cast: Dayo Wong 黃子華, Kate Tsui 徐子珊, Sharon Chan 陳敏之, Louis Yuen 阮兆祥, Benz Hui Siu Hung 許紹雄 , Elena Kong 江美儀, Samantha Ko 高海寧, Sammy Sum 沈震軒
Episodes: 20
Airing date: 25 November 2013
Official: Website
Executive Producer: Man Wai Hung
Scriptwriter: Leung Yan Tung
Official Synopsis:
Leading Public Affairs Expert HEUNG KWONG-NAM (Dayo Wong), a renowned savior of the bachelorettes in town, often helps his single female clients have a happy marriage by using unexpected methods, yet he himself remains single and is satisfied with short-term relationships.
Newly joined Account Officer SING FA-LUI (Kate Tsui) misconceives that KWONG-NAM, his elder brother HEUNG SIN-NAM (Benz Hui ), co-worker TUNG TIN-KIU (Louis Yuen) and BUT FAN-KEUNG (Jazz Lam), who are also known as super senior, indulge themselves in having fun and partying all night. Despising what KWONG-NAM has done, she expressly reprimands him for being such a bad guy and courting women by taking advantage of his job. Meanwhile, seeing that KWONG-NAM makes his subordinate YUEN HUEN (Sharon Chan) popular as an internet singer so as to pursue her. YUEN HUEN’s aunt YUEN SUM (Elena Kong) also hates his guts, frequently criticizing KWONG-NAM in her column. However, KWONG-NAM makes light of it and continues in his own way until his ex-girlfriend emerges. As such, the relationship between them turns upside down dramatically, triggering a fierce battle between the Hong Kong Guys and Girls that is never seen before…… MY RATING: 5/5
皇 牌公關香廣男(黃子華)被譽為城中盛女救星,經常以出位手段幫助單身女性客戶找到美滿姻緣,自己卻獨善其身,選擇短線戀愛,新上班的客戶主任盛花蕾(徐子 珊)誤會廣男及其大哥香善男(許紹雄)、同事董天驕(阮兆祥)和畢奮強(林子善) 合稱的super senior愛夜蒲尋歡,因而不恥廣男的所作所為,直斥他是爛滾港男,藉工作親近女性,又眼見廣男為追求下屬袁萱(陳敏之)將她捧為網絡歌手,身為袁萱姑 姐的袁琛(江美儀)同樣對廣男恨之入骨,經常在自己的專欄惡意抨擊廣男,但廣男對這一切不以為意,依舊我行我素,直至前女友突然現身,令各人關係出現戲劇 性的逆轉,引爆前所未有的港男盛女大激戰…… MY RATING: 5/5
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Best Of TVB Drama: The Hippocratic Crush 2 (On Call 36小時II)
English Title: The Hippocratic Crush 2 (Anniversary Series)
Cantonese Title: On Call 36小時II (On Call 36 Hours 2)
Cast: Lawrence Ng, Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung, Mandy Wong, Him Law, Tracy Chu, Eliza Sam, Louisa So
Episodes: 30
Airing date: 4 November 2013
Themesong: Sequel (續集)- Joey Yung
Official: Website
Executive Producer: Poon Ka Tak
Scriptwriter: Lam Chung Bong
Each takes one’s place, does one’s duty. In a hospital, each takes the noble mission of safeguarding life irrespective of one’s position.
Facing his dying patients and FAN TZE-YU (Tavia Yeung), who falls ill during her pregnancy, CHEUNG YAT-KIN (Kenneth Ma) persistently shoulders all the responsibilities, which overly burden him so that he is out of breath. Meanwhile, he re-encounters LOK MAN-SAN (Lawrence Ng), a long-retired medical expert, who has a divergence of opinions. On top of that, TZE-YU suffers miscarriage as a result of a recurring of illness, so she has to give up her career as a surgeon. All of these send massive shockwaves rippling out through YAT-KIN’s journey of life.
In order to make YAT-KIN realize the true essence of not being so persistent and living the day to the fullest, TZE-YU is determined to change her major to learn a new subject. For a moment, YAT-KIN can hardly accept it. However, he notices that YEUNG PUI-CHUNG (Him Law), HUNG MEI-SUET (Mandy Wong) and the others have gradually grown mature, and each of them manages to assume the individual responsibility as a doctor. In addition, with the inspiration and encouragement received from MAN-SAN and TZE-YU, YAT-KIN finally comes to realize that being a doctor is just like a fighter. Only through the awareness of one’s own capabilities and performing due diligence can one safeguard others’ lives....MY RATING: 5/5 (PERFECT)
子妤為了讓一健明白到放下執著,活在當下的真諦,毅然轉科重新學習。一健霎時難以接受,但看著從前的楊沛聰(羅仲謙)和洪美雪(黃智雯)等人日漸成 長,各 自成為獨當一面的醫生,在文笙與子妤的啟發下,一健終於明白到一個醫生就如一位鬥士,要知道自己的能力,守著自己的崗位,才能保衛別人的生命!...MY RATING: 5/5 (PERFECT)
Best Of TVB Drama: Will Power ( 法外風雲)
English Title: Will Power (Anniversary Series)
Cantonese Title: 法外風雲 (faat ngoi fung wan)
Cast: Wayne Lai 黎耀祥, Moses Chan 陳豪, Fala Chen 陳法拉, Christine Ng 伍詠薇, Jason Chan 陳智燊, Sire Ma 馬賽, Yueh Hua 岳華, Chung King Fai 鍾景輝
Episodes: 32
Airing date: 14 October 2013
Themesong: Remnant (遺物)- Alfred Hui
Official: Website
Executive Producer: Tsui Ching Hong
Scriptwriter: Law Chung Yiu
At court, two of the most famous lawyers in town YU YING-WAI (Wayne Lai) and LEE MING-YEUNG (Moses Chan) conduct tit-for-tat attacks on each other by any means necessary.
YING-WAI eventually turns the tide before he is defeated, however, he almost loses his life in the process, which completely alters his perspective on life. Such change catches a Senior Counsel LO SUM-PO’s (Yueh Hua) eye, and he recruits YING-WAI to handle a litigation regarding the will of a late tycoon. MING-YEUNG has to return to his mentor SHUM YIK-WO’s (Chung King Fai) law firm because he is now debt-ridden. As soon as he gets there, he starts cooperating with his mentor’s daughter SHUM YUET-KAN (Fala Chen). For many years, YUET-KAN has been dating SONG KA-YIU (Vincent Wong), a scion of a wealthy family. KA-YIU, who craves for greatness and success, is in fact a complacent person, making it easy for MING-YEUNG to take advantage of. When the litigation gets underway, the trial judge turns out to be YING-WAI’s ex-wife as well as MING-YEUNG’s old flame LUK SZE-YING (Christine Ng). Once again going head-to-head at court, the two gradually discover there is something else going on in the case. To their surprise, the key man maintains a vital connection with YING-WAI’s protégé CHING KA-MING (Jason Chan). Thus begins a life-or-death turmoil in the law firm……MY RATING: 5/5
城中兩大名嘴律師余英偉(黎耀祥)和李名揚(陳豪)在法庭上各施奇謀,針鋒相對,英偉反敗為勝卻差點喪命,令他重新審視人生,他的轉變令資深律師盧 琛保(岳華)另眼相看,招攬英偉加盟處理一宗富豪遺產案;名揚因債務纏身被迫回到師父沈奕和(鍾景輝)的律師行,初來乍到即與師父的女兒同是律師的沈悅勤 (陳法拉)合作,悅勤本與富家子弟宋家耀(王浩信)相戀多年,但家耀好大喜功,不求上進,令名揚有機可乘;當遺產案正式開審,主審法官正是英偉的前妻亦是 名揚的前女友陸思凝(伍詠薇),雙雄再度交鋒,但他們漸漸揭發案中另有內情,關鍵人物竟與英偉徒弟程家明(陳智燊)有莫大的牽連,律師行因而掀起一場生死 存亡的大風暴……MY RATING: 5/5
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Food Hunt: Texas Chicken, Empire Damansara, Petaling Jaya
Dear All,
Welcome back to yet another edition of Food Hunt where ME & Kimmy embarked another journey of food and it's been a long time that we've continue to search for good food and today we are in the mood again. This time around we have chosen another new fast food chain that has landed in Malaysia. Introducing Texas Chicken, a fast food chicken outlet has arrived at Empire Damansara. Empire Damansara is a new place developed by the Empire Group situated at Mutiara Damansara. It's a huge place but there's only 10% of tenant while 90% are not tenanted.
We reached the place at around 2.00pm and the crowd is average today. Since it's after lunch time, the situation is under control but according to sources when you come during peak lunch and dinner hours, you will have hard time find a place to sit and you have to overcome a large queue. We manage to find out seat after ordering. This is what we've ordered:
1.) 2pcs BIG Combo Chicken X 2 (RM10.70 per set) (1 set Spicy + 1 set Original Flavour)
Consists Of: 1pc Biscuits, 1pc Coleslaw, 1pc Mashed Potatoes & 1pcs Soft Drinks
(Unlimited Refill)
This restaurant does not only sells chicken but they also sell burgers that comes with fries and unlimited refills of soft drinks. The portion of the chicken is really huge and worth the money we pay. The taste of the chicken is good and not too oily but most importantly it's huge in size. The mashed potato and coleslaw is nice too and highly recommended to try. It's on par or even slightly better compared with Kentucky Fried Chicken and Mcdonalds outlets in terms of the chicken. Now they only have a few outlets in the Klang Valley but do stay tuned as they will have more outlets soon. Do check out their website for more information.
The price we pay is around RM22.00++ including a 6% Service Tax for 2 sets that we ordered. The price is almost the same like any other fast food outlets in Malaysia but the size of the chicken is big, tender and juicy and it's worth the money we pay for. Not only that, this also applies for its Mashed Potato and Coleslaw as well. Trust me, Texas Chicken is good and worth to try. I would strongly recommend you to come over here to try out and enjoy the food! MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5
Texas Chicken Malaysia Website:
* Food Rating are based on the food & drinks we've ordered and not overall food & drinks.
Ambiance: 5/5
Cleanliness: 5/5
Value Of Food: 5/5
Customer Service: 5/5
Ditanggung Halal: Yes
G02 & G03, Empire Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/8,
47800 Damansara Perdana, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Telephone: -Not Available -
Business Hours: 10.00am - 10.00pm Daily
Cinema Movie: Thor: The Dark World
Release Date: 31 Oct 2013
Subtitle: -
Running Time: 112 minutes
Director:Alan Taylor
Cast:Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgård, Idris Elba,Christopher Eccleston, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Kat Dennings, Ray Stevenson, Zachary Levi, Tadanobu Asano, Jaimie Alexander with Rene Russo and Anthony Hopkins as Odin
Marvel’s "Thor: The Dark World" continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself. In the aftermath of Marvel’s "Thor" and "Marvel’s The Avengers," Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos...but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all.
My Comments: It was a great day as today ME & Kimmy had visit GSC Tropicana City Mall to purposely catch one of the most anticipated movie of the year 2013. Introducing Thor The Dark World. Marvel comics are back once again and my expectations is high in this movie. Starring a lot of famous actor and actress in there and the most notable ones are Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Natalie Portman (Jane) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki). The storyline was perfect and great and it was a twist and turn strategy used in this movie. It was quite boring for the first 20 minutes and it started to pick up after that all the way till the end of this movie. The battle is between Asgard and an ancient race led by Malekith. The battle then continues to earth where it involves a human named Jane and it is Thor's girlfriend. It was a great battle between Thor and Malekith and you guess who will win? This movie contains a few elements combined including jokes, action, love as well as sad scenes which could make you cry. In certain times, this movie is funny too. I would strongly recommend you to watch this movie even if you're not a big fan of Marvel as this is a great and nearly to perfection Superhero movie. Enjoy! MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5
Festival: Happy Deepavali 2013
on behalf of would like to wish all Hindu's readers
of my blog a Happy Deepavali. May the year 2013 brings luck, prosperity
and of course a brighter light to you and your blessed luck in future.
Hindu's around the globe celebrate Deepavali (also known as Festival Of

the Deepavali day, Hindu's will go to the temple to perform their
prayers and give blessings to their God. After performing the prayers in
the morning, then they will welcomed their invited guests to their
house where various food and drinks will be served to their guests.
Their traditional cookies during Deepavali are Muruku's and several other
cookies such as egg tarts, chocolate cookies, Indian sugar cookies etc.
Besides, when you visit your Indian or Hindu friends, you will see their
houses will be lighten up with a bundle of lights to celebrate the
Festival Of Lights. Kids and adults will celebrate Deepavali with new
clothes as a great start to the year and enjoy themselves on that day.

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