Announcement: We will be back with a fresh new look at 2015. Stay tuned!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Best of ATV Drama: Who's the Hero (勝者為王)

Title: Who's the Hero 勝者為王

Genre: Gambling Fights, Drama

Episodes: 30
Cast: Julian Cheung, Ada Choi, Chapman To, Wang Zong Yao, Jolie Chan, Kenneth Tsang, Amy Fan, Norman Tsui, Lee Lung Kei, Chan Koon Tai, Ng Yuen Yee, Wong Suet Tong, Kong To, Bonnie Wong and more..


Asian TV viewers to continue to provide high-quality theatrical entertainment, a grand launch of another exciting series winner takes to ensure the continuation of "Beat the French Open," a strong drama.
Winner takes by the Ada Choi, Cheung Chi-lam on the aTV first came together, plus Awards Actor Chapman, and Chen Yixuan, Kenneth Tsang, Fan Yi-min, Xu Shaoqiang, Chen Guantai, Wu Low-yee, Lee himself and other people to do a group show of the facilities all the stops Big fight in the play acting; of the play more at The Venetian Macao hotel real locations, beautiful gift to show significant sex scenes!

In addition, ATV also made a special arrangement of "Asian Avenue of Stars" runner-up winner takes Kang Svejk for the interpretation of the theme song drama Elegy king and who is wrong episode who held to the unique Kang Svejk voice speech released most of the lyrics with the plot, the double series to enhance the audience's sensory enjoyment.

And through the protagonist's fortune in gambling, "some people love gambling, gambling was the cause, and even bet on the life," Grace and resentment, hatred and friends, the enemy with me, like winning or losing of the game, like, who can not master of its own. When do you think won the world when, in fact, paid a heavy price for you ... bring out gambling, not the problem; afford to lose, is the problem as the message, and leads in the gambling field" willing to dull ", before winner is the highest wisdom of creating the truth. MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5



一個牙牙學語的嬰兒,被興奮熱烈的喧嘩聲所吸引,從陰暗的角落中,他一直在爬行,終於爬進了一個五光十色的賭場之內,這是他第一次未成年踏足賭場。這名不 速之客終於被一名荷官符小波(波叔)所發現,因為波叔與太太李秋霞多年來一直未有所出,能夠遇上這個被遺棄的嬰孩,就如上天賜給他們的黃金珠寶,所以他們 決定將他收養為兒子,取名符金寶,因為是「拾」回來的「仔」,所以亦叫十仔。在波叔懷中的十仔聽著骰子的轉動聲、輪盤上鐵珠的滾動聲、賭客的歡呼聲,他不 禁著迷地笑。想不到擁有這個天真瀾漫笑容的主人,將來竟會成為賭壇新的一代王者!

童年的十仔,每天最期待的就是跟隨波叔往賭場上班,因為他覺得賭場就像遊樂場,每次都會偷偷躲在賭檯下,視賭搏如遊戲。因為波叔見過太多亡命賭徒的慘淡收 場,深怕十仔他朝有日也會失控地沉淪賭海,於是不惜辭掉賭場的職位,與妻子接手了一間專門售賣肉乾、蛋卷等等的手信店子,希望十仔可以從此遠離賭搏的世 界。但想不到,因此讓十仔認識了一個將會影響他一生的女孩童花順。

花順的父母本來是這間手信店的經營者,但因好賭欠下賭債,被迫將店子賣給波叔還錢,之後還留在店裡當上員工。因為這個緣份,兩小無猜的十仔與花順經常一起 玩樂漸成好友,長大後更順理成章成為情侶。因為波叔的教晦聽得多了,十仔愛賭的天性,早已消失得無影無蹤,長大後的他腳踏實地在海關部門工作,更視賭搏為 一種惡習,經常不厭其煩地勸勉別人戒賭,花順的爛賭父母尤其聽得最多。不愛賭的性格令他與花順的發展穩定,差不多到了談婚論嫁的地步。家庭、工作、愛情都 平穩的十仔,認為這樣的人生已經是最美滿。不料一天,因受花順所托去尋回父母而再次踏足賭場,就這一次令他的人生起了重大的改變。

十仔步進賭場的一剎那,身體的所有細胞都像突然地興奮起來,他仿如小孩重返遊樂場般,不論贏輸,每局都是那麼精彩的。憑著他天賦對賭的聰穎,往往在賭桌上 也有斬獲,這更令十仔完全沉醉在賭的世界之中,雖然他明知波叔與花順會反對,但卻抵擋不住誘惑,每天在大小賭場中樂而忘返,一步步墮進賭搏的深淵。最後, 終於被花順發現了行蹤。絕不會愛上賭徒的花順要十仔作出抉擇,結果,不想失去花順的十仔承諾從此戒賭,花順亦因此答應與十仔結婚。

但在婚禮前夕,心癢癢的十仔終於按捺不住,決定往賭場作最後之旅,忘我的賭得天昏地暗,就連遇上了江湖老千老九也沒有察覺。他的錢一直輸下去,本來打算與 花順用來建築愛巢的錢亦輸掉也在所不計,因他認為有賭未為輸。已穿上婚紗在等候出嫁的花順,發現新郎竟然在賭場,失望的她只好趕去想把十仔拉回來,這刻已 輸得一幹二淨的十仔終於拿著一手必勝的牌!可恨賭本不足,但當老九提出可將花順作抵押時,十仔竟一口答應,結果他被騙了,這一局他將最深愛的女人也輸掉 了!

為了贖回花順,十仔如瘋了般四出籌錢,連手信店的屋契也抵押了,也沒法償還賭債,結果只能眼白白看著花順被老九帶走!在萬念俱灰之下唯有以死作解脫。站在 濠江大橋上,正想跳下的一刻,一個同樣站在橋頭準備跳河自盡的人出現,這人叫姜華,又名尖頭。兩人可算同病相憐,都在賭桌上把一切輸掉。就在他們感到生無 可戀的時候,地上滾來一個閃閃亮的籌碼。雖然這個一百元籌碼並沒有為十仔與尖頭贏回一切,但卻引領著十仔再次踏足賭場,更機緣之下認識了一位千術高手,亦 是一個老千集團的首腦佘耀中,又名幫主。

在幫主身邊,十仔體會到所有賭局其實只不過是一場場騙人的千局,他這才明白當日也是糊塗地墮入老九的騙局才會失去最寶貴的女人。以為與花順從此陰陽相隔的 十仔,忽然收到消息,原來花順被一個男人救了,他就是濠江賭場王國大亨的兒子雷傑克!十仔不惜任何代價一定要接走花順,但傑克卻刻意刁難,要求與十仔在賭 桌上較技。為了花順,十仔無奈接受挑戰。憑著幫主指導的一招千術,他佔盡上風,亦早已贏夠了贖回花順的錢,但意氣風發的他在好勝心驅使下,不願收手,最後 一局中,傑克又再提出以花順作賭注,十仔望著手上必勝的牌,沒有受到教訓的他仍然堅信自己不會輸,還是一而再拿花順作賭注,結果他又再輸了!今次,就連花 順的心也傷透了,二人的關係正式決裂!

情場失意的十仔卻沒有灰心,因他認為傑克的賭局只要仍然生效,他就有機會在賭桌上把花順贏回來。在這個動力的推使下,十仔開始積極地跟隨幫主學習千術,並 與尖頭及幫主的養女袁菲一起在賭壇中打滾。對於第一次真正接觸的賭術世界,十仔只感大開眼界。因為他本身擁有的賭術天份,很快便能盡得幫主的真傳,而他第 一個要贏的人就是當日騙他的老九。十仔的賭術今非昔比,老九所使用的千術或騙局,在他眼中就如小朋友的魔術表演,只是略施小技便將老九徹底打敗了。他為自 己與花順報仇之後,與尖頭繼續合作,贏盡了許多大大小小的賭場,十仔再加尖頭,這個組合更被外間稱為「Blackjack組合」!

充滿雄心壯志的十仔,以為自己賭術已到達超凡入聖的境界,為公為私,竟往挑戰濠江最大的賭場,即是傑克的賭場。他一方面為了揚名,一方面以為贏了傑克就等 於贏回花順的芳心,可是,貪勝不知輸的他不但報仇不成,反被道高一尺的傑克使計,利用花順與他對賭,最後還揭破了十仔出千的技倆,令他從此絕跡賭場。深受 打擊的十仔在賭界的地位跌至谷底,以為從此再沒有翻身機會之際,卻意外地得到傑克的後母沈鳳鳴的賞識。因為傑克的父親突然病逝,賭城的產權頓時成為傑克與 沈鳳鳴之爭。鳳鳴正急需人才,當她見過十仔的超凡賭術後,便決定邀請他在賭廳中負責捉拿出千的賭客,為賭場往大陸收取爛賬等等,十仔因此得到翻身的機會。

當十仔全心全意投入工作的時候,已離開他多年的父親王道忽然出現。經過多年來的牢獄洗禮,王道現只打算每天以養狗為樂,安享晚年。但十仔對這個鉛華盡洗的 父親卻又愛又恨,既嚮往著他叱吒賭壇的傳奇往事,卻又不能原諒他拋棄自己的事。不過,父子情始終血濃於水,雖然養父母對王道的為人依然有所保留,但十仔也 嘗試讓時間去重建這段父子關係。在鳳鳴的全力提攜下,十仔事業一帆風順,更初次成為賭廳的話事人,但正努力衝刺的他,卻無意間忽略了一直與他並肩作戰的尖 頭生活出現了問題。而感情方面,雖然得到曾經共赴患難的袁菲所傾慕,但心裏始終向著花順而略有所失。

十仔對花順鍥而不捨的苦苦追求下,花順終於被感動,回心轉意答應與十仔結婚。而十仔也甘願放棄現在擁有的名利,退出賭壇,與花順過回簡單樸實的生活。但在 婚禮前夕,袁菲出了意外,為了營救袁菲,十仔無奈地又再一次令穿上婚紗的花順失望而回。二人的波折並未因此完結,適逢賭場的爭鬥進入白熱化,濠江的賭權開 放,引來許多外國賭場經營者的虎視眈眈,而其中一位投資者更十分欣賞十仔的才能,只希望與十仔及鳳鳴合作。十仔知道這是個難得的機會,加上鳳鳴、袁菲及父 親王道推波助瀾之下,終於答應繼續留在賭壇中發展,但這個決定令他與花順的感情再次起了變化。

十仔不負所託,在賭權爭奪戰中發展順利,但身邊的花順覺得與他的距離越拉越遠,為了不想成為十仔的負累,黯然地離開,傷心失落的十仔只好寄情工作,終於一 手建立了自己的賭場「金寶賭場」,而這個新賭場對傑克的賭場王國造成了前所未有的威脅。本來已視傑克為大敵的十仔,更因花順與傑克越走越近,心生妒忌。為 了打敗傑克,在王道的慫恿下,變得更加心狠手辣,並向傑克提出挑釁,終於勝了傑克的一切。

除去了死敵傑克後,十仔的雄心仍未罷休,在王道的唆擺下,竟覺得一手提拔他的鳳鳴是個障礙,而且終於知道當年殺害生母的兇手就是鳳鳴!為報殺母之仇,要跟 鳳鳴賭上一場,怎料鳳鳴竟找來尖頭與自己對賭!已經變成六親不認的十仔不但把鳳鳴的一切贏到手,還狠狠地將尖頭出老千的手法揭破,但他卻想不到這樣竟令尖 頭走上絕路自殺了!摯友的死終於令他清醒過來,當以為自己已成為王者時,卻原來真正的王者是他的父親王道。王道與他建立的所謂父子情,也只是利用他的手 段,現在王道將賭場壟斷了,十仔終於知錯已太遲,一切已沒法挽回。

眾叛親離的十仔雖有袁菲在身邊支持,但最想的人卻是花順,後悔當天沒聽花順的勸喻。本來早已放棄了十仔的花順,因不忍看著他繼續頹喪下去,再與他見面,並 帶他去見傑克及鳳鳴。當知道鳳鳴被王道毀了容,傑克因為當天的失敗導致精神分裂,更感懊悔。於是重新振作苦練賭術,在賭王大賽中公然挑戰王道,最後利用傑 克以為可穩操勝券之際,怎料王道竟挾持花順的性命作賭注。今次是為正義而戰,花順甘心成為十仔的賭注。得到花順的支持,成功將王道打敗,成為真正的王者! 但可惜,王道卻不肯將花順的藏身地點告訴十仔,花順的性命正危在旦夕,十仔可否將花順救出險境,有情人終成眷屬?MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Food Hunt: Papparich, Desa Aman Puri (Part 2)

Hello Folks,

Welcome back to yet another edition of Food Hunt as ME & Kimmy had planned to go Papparich at Desa Aman Puri. The reason is because I would like to hunt for some curry especially during the raining season and of course curry mee is my choice and since Papparich is near Kimmy's house, then we've decided to go there. In my first review post previously, I did say the price is pretty expensive and the curry mee was just so-so but now it looks like otherwise. It had improved and it's really good already.

Both of us reach the restaurant at about 8.00pm and the crowd was pretty less compared to Saturday. It was pretty quiet until around 9.00pm, where the crowd starting to build. Well, once we sat down, we were immediately served with the menu and it took me about 3 minutes to overlook the menu as I already know what to order. I've ordered the Papparich Curry Laksa (RM9.90) while Kimmy ordered Ipoh 'Hor Fun' Bean Sprout (RM8.90). For drinks, I've ordered Barli Lime Ice (RM3.80) while Kimmy ordered Milo Dinosaur (RM4.80).

The food was pretty was served as it took about 5 minutes and maybe this is due to less people at the restaurant at the moment. The curry mee as I said earlier had improved significantly and it has a great taste. I really enjoy the taste until I drank the whole bowl of soup and it was simply fantastic. For Kimmy's Ipoh 'Hor Fun' Bean Sprout, it was very nice either especially the soup. It was originally boiled using prawns and it has a nice prawn taste that makes the soup tasty and superb. The 'Hor Fun' meanwhile was nice too as it was very smooth. About the drinks, the Barley Lime Ice was acceptable as it was not too sweet and just nice. For Kimmy's Milo Dinosaur, it was a bit disappointing as it was not sweet and can't taste the Milo. The only thing is that it has a lot of Milo powder at the top of the drink and that's only impressed us much.

Overall the bill came and it costs us about RM27.40 and as I said in my previous blog, it was pretty expensive to eat but once in a while I think is OK unless you are rich! For a bowl of mee that costs about RM8 - RM9, that's really expensive because in normal stall, you can only get RM4-5. But if we think back again to satisfy ourselves, it's just because we are paying for the environment if compared outside. Anyway, this place is recommended to you especially the food mentioned above and it also has a UNIFI connection for WIFI as well. Enjoy! MY RATING: 5/5; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

*Food & Drinks Rating are based on the Food & Drinks we've ordered and not overall food & drinks.


No. 3-1A, Block 3,
Jalan Desa 2/2,
Desa Aman Puri,
Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03-62751991
Business Hours: 8.00am - 1.00am Daily

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Best Of TVB Drama: Grace Under Fire (女拳)

English Title
: Grace under Fire

Cantonese Title:女拳 (Female Fist)

Cast: 刘璇 Liu Xuan, 黄宗泽 Bosco Wong, 马国明 Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming, 陈法拉 Fala Chen, 姜大伟 John Chiang, 岳华 Elliot Yue Hua, 林嘉华 Dominic Lam Kar Wah, 黄浩然 Raymond Wong Ho Yin, Eddie Kwan

Episodes: 32


Following his defeat by WONG FEI-HUNG (John Chiang) in a duel, Guangzhou’s number one kung-fu master LUI KONG (Dominic Lam) is diagnosed with leprosy and he runs off in secret.

Blaming HUNG, LUI CHING-LUNG (Bosco Wong) who knows nothing about martial arts, is resolved to seek revenge for his father. Surprisingly, HUNG offers to teach LUNG the renowned LUI’s kung fu stances, and urges him to come back for revenge when he has picked up all the martial arts techniques. LUNG is deeply touched by HUNG’s generosity, which also marks the beginning of a complicated relationship.

HUNG meets MOK KWAI-LAN (Liu Xuan) and her sworn brother YAU SAM-SHUI (Kenneth Ma) in a restaurant, who has always wanted to be his apprentices. Despite their father’s opposition, HUNG decides to teach them kung-fu, and is particularly amazed by LAN’s sparkling talent. They gradually fall in love.

On the other hand, SHUI hopes to win the heart of his dream girl KWAI FA (Fala Chen) with his kung fu skills, though FA is actually in love with LUNG.

KONG emerges in Guangzhou all of a sudden, this time a tool of TONG YUET-HANG (Yueh Hua), Chief Commissioner of the Western District in his conspiracy against HUNG. Po Chi Lam’s reputation soon becomes tarnished. MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5


广州第一高手雷刚(林嘉华)在一场比武中败给黄飞鸿(姜大伟),后因染上麻疯病逃离广州,不谙武功的雷正龙(黄宗泽)找飞鸿为父报仇,飞鸿竟反传授雷家拳 予正龙,促他练好家传武功再来报仇,此举令正龙深受感动,亦牵引出一段多角恋情。因飞鸿早在茶楼认识了打杂莫桂兰(刘璇)和她的义哥游三水(马国明),两 人一直希望拜飞鸿为师,可惜义父坚决反对,飞鸿就暗里传授二人武功,并发现桂兰实为可造之材,二人渐生情愫;三水想借武功赢得心上人葵花(陈法拉),可惜 葵花倾慕正龙,而正龙非桂兰不爱,桂兰则非飞鸿不嫁……。此际雷刚重回广州,被西区总办唐乙恒(岳华)利用大翻飞鸿旧帐,宝芝林威信备受抨击,桂兰亦始料 不到此劫竟成了她与飞鸿绝然的分离……。MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Food Hunt: Kafe Sakae, Taman Billion, Cheras

Dear All,

Welcome back to yet another edition of Food Hunt. Today ME & Kimmy are in Cheras and we missed Kaki Corner so much so without any hesitation, we drove from Viva Home Mall all the way to Taman Billion to have our dinner instead of having dinner at the mall. We reached there around 8.00pm and the it was pretty crowded already. We sat outside the restaurant and the service of this restaurant is pretty good as they served us immediately after we sat down.

We then looked at the menu and we manage to see that there's a lot of food inside the menu and of course we could not order so much. After browsing the menu for about 10 minutes, finally we have decided what to eat and both of us ordered Chicken Chop. I've ordered Mushroom Chicken Chop (RM11.80) while Kimmy ordered Black Pepper Chicken Chop (RM11.80). For drinks we ordered Carrot Milk Juice Jumbo (RM6.80) as both of us can share the drink.

Let's go straight to the food comments. The Mushroom Chicken Chop meanwhile was great and nice to eat. In between the sauce, there's lots of small mushrooms served on top of the sauce and it really looks tempting. It definitely did not disappoint me as it was tasty. It comes with a garlic bread as well. The Black Pepper Chicken Chop meanwhile also did not disappoint Kimmy as well as it was very nice indeed. I've tried the Black Pepper Chicken as well and it was indeed good and tasty. It also comes with a Garlic Bread. Both of us really enjoy the food as well. Regarding the Carrot Milk Juice that we've ordered, it was very nice also. It's not too sweet and just nice. We did not manage to finish the glass of carrot milk as it was too large but still we managed to finish half of it. Today's food that we've ordered did not disappoint us and we are really happy enjoying the food and so we would like to recommend to you. Enjoy! MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

* Food & Drinks Rating are based on the food we've ordered and not overall food & drinks.


18, Jalan Siput Akek,
Taman Billion,
56000, Cheras,
Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: 03-91301182
Business Hours: Monday - Sunday 10.30am - 3.00am

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Cinema Movie: Chase Our Love (宅男總動員)

Release Date: 14 April 2011
Language: Cantonese
Subtitle: Info Not Available
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Director: Zi Yang
Cast: You Nam Wong, Alex Fong, Patrick Tam, Kenny Bee, William So, Edmond Leung, Mark Cheng, Rain Li, Stephy Tang


This is a story about thirteen introverted guys and how they conquer their fears for love.


My Comments: It was a great weekend for ME & Kimmy as both of us went to the newly opened Viva Home Mall located at Jalan Loke Yew near Taman Miharja. Since it's new, many of the stalls have not opened yet and it took us about 1 hour to finish window shopping the whole mall and we do not know what to do. We stepped up to the 3rd floor where the newly opened MBO Cinemas opened it's stores a few days ago. It was a big cinema indeed with 9 screen and one of the biggest cinema chain in the Klang Valley. Since it's new, the air cond is very cold and you are advised to bring extra clothes to the cinema. Meanwhile the crowd was still less as not much people watching it. Out of our expectations, we went there and watch this movie called Chase Our Love. The whole story is talking about LOVE relationship and it's related to computer games as well. It was an average LOVE story and in between there are some jokes that makes the audience laugh but some are really lame jokes. I was pretty impressed with the cast including Kenny Bee, William So, Edmund Leung, Rain Li, Stephy Tang and Wong You Nam from the sing group Boyz. Without them, this movie would not be nice but still not impressed me though. Do they manage to find their love? I would still recommend you to watch this movie but watch it if you're bored or nothing to do just like me the other day. Not the best movie ever but still can watch. ENJOY! MY RATING: 3.5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 3/5

Leisure: Viva Home Mall, Jalan Loke Yew

Viva home is already more than 70% occupied with exciting home, lifestyle and entertainment retailers. Once opened, it will be the first of its kind in malaysia, a one-stop centre for homes, with a comprehensive mix of lifestyle and entertainment elements.

With only a few choice units still available, this is the last call for retailers to seize the chance and be a part of this unique mall, dedicated entirely to the home.

Everything for the home under one roof
Whether it’s for a major home renovation, an upgrade or just a simple enhancement, shoppers will love Viva Home as here, they will find something for every part of the house and garden. From furniture to fittings, home décor to household white goods, Viva Home houses favourite brand names as well as exciting new ones, promising a retail mix that reaches out to all tastes, preferences and budgets.

Located strategically along Jalan Loke Yew, Viva Home is within easy reach of the Klang Valley market, and is also an appealing destination for outstation and regional customers seeking niche shopping, choice and convenience.

For Every Inch Of The Home
There’s something for every room and every corner.

Living & Dining
Generic & Lifestyle Furniture

Mattresses, Beds, Cabinets

Fabric & Furnishing
Bed Linen, Living Room Textiles, Upholstery, Cushions & Throws, Curtains, Carpets & Rugs

Cabinets, Appliances, Crockery, Cookware, Utensils, Fittings

Bathroom & Sanitary
Fittings, Shower Screens, Bathroom Equipment

Home Décor
Gifts, Feng Shui Items, Art & Frames, Artificial Flowers

Hardware & DIY
Water Heaters & Filters, Doors & Windows, Gates, Grills & Awnings, Mosquito Nets, Paint, Locks

Home Clinic
Renovators, Plumbers, Interior Designers, Upholstery Services, Swimming Pool Specialists, Relocation Services, Electrical Repair Services

Lighting & Fan
Generic & Lifestyle Lights & Fans

Kids’ Furniture
Furniture, Accessories

Electronics & Automation
Electrical goods, Sound/Home Theatre Systems, Alarm & CCTV Systems, Gadgets & IT, Electrical Hardware

Marble, granite and stone tiles, wooden flooring

Nursery & Landscape
Florist, Patio Furniture, Decorative & Accessories, Barbeque Grills & Utensils, Lawn & Garden Tools

Viva Home Specifications
• 5 floors of retail
• 660,000 square feet
• Expo Hall
• F & B outlets and food court
• Supermarket
• 9-screen Cineplex
• ICT Zone
• Over 2000 car park bays
• Shopper friendly features for bulky buys:
Travelators, extra large lifts, practical pick-up and drop-off areas
• Improved access from all directions

If you are interested to be a part of Viva Home, pay a visit to the Showroom which is open from 10am to 6pm, 7 days a week including public holidays.


Plaza Uncang Emas (Ue3),

85, Jalan Loke Yew, 55200 Kuala Lumpur.

TEL +603-9281 1998

FAX +603-9281 7998



My Comments: I've been to this mall today and it was yet another home concept store brought to you for the people of Cheras. Finally, there are some good things to cheer as the Viva Home Mall is the best place for shopping for furniture's and home needs. It's 80% of its stores are selling furniture's and home needs while 20% share are comprises of Food & Beverages, IT Center and Hypermarket. If you plan to shop for furniture, that's the place to be BUT if you are into window shopping of clothes, I am very sorry to inform you that this mall does not have any clothes store at all except Giant Hypermarket. This place is also pretty good for Food & Beverages as well as for entertainment purposes, there's good news for Cheras people as they will get a chance to watch movie at the mall where MBO is the cinema provider. The mall is very big overall and I am satisfied with the design. The cinema meanwhile was big as well. There are about 10 -15 restaurants that are located at the mall too. Among the favorites restaurant including Dragon-I, Garden Lifestyle Cafe, Old Town Kopitiam, Starbucks Coffee, Station 1 Cafe, Subway and many more.

Overall, this place is great for family shopping and entertainment but still I would say it lacked of fashion outlets at the mall. There should be stalls or shops selling clothes and fashion so that to make the mall more great and excellent for shoppers. Well, a great mall to go as well! MY RATING: 4/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 4/5

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Politcs: BN retains two-thirds majority but Sarawak’s fixed deposit shattered

KUCHING, April 16 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) has managed to keep its two-thirds legislative majority in Sarawak but today’s results have shattered the coalition’s invincibility and the notion of a fixed deposit in future elections.

The DAP doubled its presence to 12 and PKR tripled its representation although the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lynchpin had contested in 49 seats. PAS lost in all five seats it contested while Independent George Lagong took one seat.

The number of state seats to the Opposition pact will spell danger for BN as it could help them win more parliamentary seats when the general election is called by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. PR now has 75 MPs but the Sarawak win could translate into more in the future.

At 10.55pm, BN was declared the winner for 55, or 75 per cent, of the 71 seats in the Sarawak legislature. In the 2006 elections, it won 62 out of the 71 seats. Initial estimates showed that BN's popular vote went down from 62.93 per cent in 2006 to 55.24 per cent in today's polling.

The biggest upset was SUPP president and Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri George Chan Hong Nam losing the Piasau state seat to DAP’s Ling Sie Kiong.

The six-term incumbent’s defeat could spell the end of the SUPP, which won only six of the 19 seats it contested.

BN had expected to lose up to 20 seats in this state election as the Opposition had centred its campaign on long-serving Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, whose reluctance to step down has even apparently infuriated national BN leaders.

Najib had pledged that this would be Taib’s last election and he would leave soon after but the veteran leader has said openly in front of the BN chairman that he will stick around for a few more years.

He made good that promise by quickly taking his oath of office as chief minister for the seventh time at 10.30pm which was broadcast live through national and satellite television.

Critics believe Taib's continued presence could help move more support to PR, which won its seats despite limited money, logistics and media presence.

Najib himself had to spend six days canvassing for votes across Malaysia’s largest state and state BN officials estimate that the coalition has spent nearly RM500 million to secure today’s victory.

Opposition leaders had concurred before today’s polling, saying BN officials had openly offered cash for support.

Sources within the Election Commission (EC) said BN won most of the seats as more from the older generation turned up to cast their ballots early compared to the younger generation who are known to support the Opposition.

“The trend was always for BN from early on in the day,” a source told The Malaysian Insider.

He pointed out that Taib’s PBB won all 35 seats that were contested reflecting the leader’s popularity among the Melanau community.

Today’s results will come as a relief to the ruling coalition which scrambled at the tail-end of the campaign to counter the massive crowds that thronged Opposition rallies in major towns.

But PR leaders were upbeat that they scored well in the state election.

“The future is bright for Pakatan in Sarawak. I don’t think BN leadership will dare to call for GE in next few months,” DAP national chairman Karpal Singh told reporters here.

However, PKR leaders were not around or too despondent to comment on the results. Source: The Malaysian Insider 17/4/2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Food Hunt: The Chicken Rice Shop, Jusco Metro Prima, Kepong

Dear All,

Welcome back to yet another edition of food hunt and of course, today ME & Kimmy are at Jusco Metro Prima to spend our beloved Sunday as we are here to watch movie as well. After the movie, we have decided to have dinner over there and we have chosen The Chicken Rice shop as our choice for dinner tonight.

We reached the restaurant at around 7.00pm and there's not much people at the restaurant. Once we sat down, we were immediately served with the menu. There are quite a number of choices of chicken to choose from and it took us about 10 minutes to look at the menu and decide what to eat. We've ordered Chicken Rice Meal for 2 sets and each set costs about RM14.99 per person. The set consists of choices of Steamed, Roast, Soy Sauce or Hainanese Curry Chicken to choose from. So I've chosen Braised Chicken and Kimmy had chosen the Roasted Chicken. Then it also contains a regular bean sprout, soup of the day, a glass of carbonated water as well as Pai Tee and a desert. It seems a lot of things to eat for the set and I would say it's pretty worth it. The portion of the chicken meanwhile was average to large as well.

The Roasted and Braised Chicken was both great. It was very nice indeed as we had a great time eating over there. The bean sprout meanwhile was just normal. The Pai Tee was something special where it was something like a cup cake shape and inside it contains a lot of vegetables and it was something new for us. It was tasty too to eat. I bet you will love it too. The desert served is the Nata Coco Jelly and it was pretty sweet as well and I bet it's not good for health but the coco jelly was nice to eat. Possible, try to ignore the water. The soup meanwhile was just average as they served vegetable soup that day and it was pretty plain as well.

Overall, the food was nice especially the chicken and the Pai Tee was nice. Others looks normal but with the amount you pay for RM15.00, you get great food and lots of satisfaction because it has a lot of things on that set. It was value for money and I vowed to go back again to try their other dishes. The bill came and it costs around RM33.30 plus government tax and I guess it was reasonable and I am happy to pay the amount based on the potion of the food we get. You may try other branches as well but the Jusco Metro Prima branch is good. Enjoy! MY RATING: 4.5 /5 ; KIMMY RATING: 4/5

* Food & Drinks Rating are based on the food & drinks we've ordered and not overall food & drinks.


Lot F21, 1st Floor,
Jusco Metro Prima Shopping Centre,
No.1, Jalan Metro Prima, Kepong
52100 Kuala Lumpur.
Telephone: 03-62578795
Business Hours: 10.00am - 10.00pm Daily

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Cinema Movie: Ghost Must Be Crazy (鬼也笑)

Release Date: 08 April 2011
Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: Info Not Available
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 1 Hour 37 Minutes
Director: Mark Lee, Boris Boo
Cast: Mark Lee, John Cheng, Henry Thia, Dennis Chew, Wang Lei
Rating: 18PL


"The Ghost Must Be Crazy" has two different stories entitled "The Day Off" and "The Ghost Bride". In "The Day Off", Ah Nan (John Cheng) and Ah Lei (Wang Lei) goes for their annual in-camp training and they meet a very "on" Platoon Commander. As they're about to play a prank on the Commander as a form of revenge for all the rigorous training they had to put up with, a series of strange things happen. In "Ghost Bride", Ah Hui (Henry Thia) who is unlucky in love meets a stranger, Ah Hai (Mark Lee), who promises him fortune and blessings if he seeks help from 'brothers and sisters' in the netherworld. Ah Hui does so and ends up finding a beautiful jade bangle inside a red packet. Soon after, Ah Hui strikes the lottery, but spends it all lavishly. Just when he is down in the dumps again, Ah Hai offers him another solution and something strange happens.


My Comments: It was a bitter weekend for me as on Sunday itself I catch a cold and I had a bad day. Well, despite all these hassle, ME & Kimmy had managed to go TGV Metro Prima in Kepong to watch movie after I bought it online earlier. It had been a long time that ME & Kimmy never go there to watch movie and today it's time to go there and watch it. We miss the big screen over there as well. The movie we had chosen are also scary and in the same time, will have a good laugh too. Ghost Must Be Crazy is the movie that we've chosen and this movie is designated for those who love ghost movies together with some laughter. Last year, this movie are also being shown in cinemas and if we were to compare, I guess last year's one would be more better. This year, it talks about one incident in the jungle and another incident inside the town. Last year, it talks about 3 ghosts stories but this year it was just 2. It was directed by Mark Lee and Boris Boo and both of this directors are very famous in Singapore. Also the casts whose are very famous as well including Mark Lee himself & Henry Thia and I can guarantee you that you will laugh and in the same time scared yourself off the seats in cinemas. It was a good combination I would recommend you to watch this movie if you love comedies and in the same time love some scary scenes as well. I was not the best movie ever but still a good movie produced again by the Singaporeans. Enjoy! MY RATING: 4/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 4/5

Thursday, April 7, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Fresh quake triggers tsunami warning in Japan

Tokyo (CNN) -- A 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Japan on Thursday, triggering a tsunami warning for one prefecture.

Workers evacuated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant following the quake, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. Tokyo Electric said it has communication with the plant and the power is still on. There were no immediate reports of damage, it said.

The quake's epicenter was off the coast of Miyagi in northeastern Japan, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

Public broadcaster NHK reported a tsunami warning for Miyagi prefecture, saying people in that area should evacuate away from the shore to a safe place.

NHK also reported a tsunami advisory for Iwate prefecture, saying a tsunami is expected to arrive in coastal regions there as well.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said based on all available data, "a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami is not expected and there is not a tsunami threat to Hawaii."

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered 41 miles (66 kilomemeters) from Sendai -- one of the areas worst hit by last month's 9.0-magnitude quake -- and 73 miles (118 kilometers) from Fukushima, where a crisis has been under way at the nuclear plant since last month's tsunami.

The quake was centered 207 miles (333 kilometers) from Tokyo, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

It was 15.9 miles (25.6 kilometers) deep, the agency reported.

It took place shortly after 11:30 p.m. local time (10:30 a.m. ET).

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Food Hunt: Madam Lim Kitchen, Tesco Mutiara Damansara

Dear All,

Welcome back to yet another wonderful weekend where ME and Kimmy had decided to go for yet another session of window shopping and we arrived quite late to the mall around 4.00pm as we just walk around and of course to have dinner before we go home.

And we have chosen Madam Lim Kitchen as our choice located at Tesco Mutiara Damansara. We arrived at the restaurant at around 7.15pm and the crowd is pretty less at that time. Once we sat down, we were pretty amazed by the choices of the food and it's look pretty tempting for us to try it out. Once we looked at the menu for about 10 minutes, finally we have decided to order 2 rice with 3 dishes so that we can share among ourselves. We have ordered Paprik Chicken (Small) (RM6.50), Kam Heong Sotong (Small) (RM7.90) & Mixed Vegetables (Small) (RM6.00). Besides small portion, there's a large portion to choose from as well. For drinks, both of us ordered Sirap but I've ordered Sirap Limau while Kimmy ordered Sirap Ros.

Let's go straight to the food comments. Overall the food was lovely and nice especially for dishes with curry or spicy flavour. Firstly, the Paprik Chicken was good with the fragrance of the curry as well. The best comes from the Kam Heong Sotong where it was very delicious and the spiciness tastes perfect. Both of us simply love this dish the most. For the mixed vegetables, it was rather great with the support of the 2 curry dishes. Overall, the dishes that we've ordered are simply irresistible. You should go and try it.

The price meanwhile are very cheap and it was very worth trying it. Imagine for 3 dishes and 2 drinks plus 2 white rice costs us around RM27.70 plus 5% service charge. Where can you find it now with this price of the amount of food we eat. The portion of the food was pretty big although we ordered small portion. I can guarantee you where it's just nice to order 3 dishes if you have 2 people eating. If you have 5-6 persons, you can go for the large portion and the price is pretty reasonable as well. What are you waiting for? With a cheap price and also with good food, this is a place for you and your family. Enjoy! MY RATING: 5/5 ; KIMMY RATING: 5/5

*Food & Drinks Rating are based on the food & drinks we've ordered and not overall food & drinks.


Lot 22, Tesco Store,
No.8, Jalan PJU 7/4, Mutiara Damansara,
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Telephone: 03-77103758
Business Hours: 10.00am - 10.00pm Daily.

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